Ep. 409 – The Small Decision To Be Grateful


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back. So few things for today’s episode. I want to talk about one. I want to talk about, don’t know. I have like three things I want to talk about and that’s why I’m stumbling around, but I’ll just pick one.

So first I’m, I’m going to call it rolling with the punches. And what I mean by that is this, I woke up at 2:15 today And when I woke up and this is way before my alarm and I have my alarm set I woke up and I was like cool. I am like two hours before my bed. I mean before my bedtime before my alarm goes off because I normally get up around 4:30 and I don’t like to talk a lot about myself. But here we are. And so anyways I’m like cool. It’s like 2:15 and at that point when I woke up because I was pretty awake it’s either wow I can be thankful that I woke up two hours early Or I can start the day off pretty miserable and already begin complaining like, why am I awake? Why did I wake up? man, this sucks. And so you see the two different starting points. First thing in the morning, I have a choice immediately when I wake up.

Now, here’s the crazy thing. Which one do you think, which attitude do you think is going to make my day amazing? And which attitude do you think is going to make my day suck? And if you guessed the attitude of thankfulness like, I woke up two hours early. This is great. I get to get up earlier. I probably actually get to end my day earlier because I’ll get work done sooner, things like that. And if you guess that that’s the answer to having a great day, you’d be correct. And I really believe honestly from personal experience, it’s the small decisions like that that really make or break your day and your week and your year.

And that adds up over the course of time because if you wake up with lot of miserableness like my gosh I can’t believe I’m up. man. Why is this happening? Well blah blah blah and you’re just complaining complaining complaining You’re literally sitting there drowning yourself in a place of just negativity all across the board all across the board and then your day’s miserable and then it is horrible and It’s honestly really painful to move throughout the day that way.

And so I’m saying all of that because this is where it’s, this is where life gets interesting because there are gonna be things that are outside of your control that happen. Like I didn’t control when I woke up or not. I don’t know why my body just woke up like that. I normally sleep through the night. I normally am in bed early, like around seven, and I’m normally getting eight hours of sleep. That’s my normal for me. And so here we are, I’m waking up early and then I can either be grateful that, okay, cool, this is what is happening in my life, and I can be grateful for it, and thankful for the opportunity that’s presented to me through this, or I can be highly ungrateful, and then as a result, that’s all I’m sowing into my day. Because life is made up of reaping and sowing. Whatever you do, you’re gonna get. Whatever you sow, whatever you plant, you’re gonna get. You start planting gratefulness and thankfulness, and you start planting all of that in your life you’re going to reap back the benefits from that what you’re doing.

If you’re just planning complaining all the time and just constant negativity and just thinking and like pretty much is cursing your day like that. That’s what you’re going to get back. And so to pause and think through like man when stuff comes my way that is outside of my control. What is my initial reaction? What am I going to do? What’s my heart position going to be in all of this? How am I going to move forward? How am I going to operate in the day?

How am I going to change my perspective in this moment? And then how am I actually gonna receive for whatever’s about to happen? Because there’s two ways to view life, and I’ve said this before. It’s either life happens to me or it happens for me. It’s either all this stuff and junk is happening like, this happened to me today, I just woke up, or it’s like, wow, this is happening for me. And let me tell you something, today was a super productive day. It really was.

I have two extra hours on the board. So from 4:30 to 9:30, that’s five hours on the clock. OK, well from two, two to nine. What is that seven hours? I got seven hours worth of work done. I got extra quiet time this morning. That’s cool. wow, like my whole day got done sooner and quicker and faster. That’s cool. And you think about that and it’s like, man, yeah, that’s where we’re at and that’s super grateful.

And so anyways, all of that being said, guys, I think it’s super important to just pause and really think and really have an attitude perspective for when stuff happens to you that’s outside your control. It really matters and is a big deal.

Anyways, guys, I’m over. So I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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