Ep. 410 – Don’t Sweat The Big Things


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody. Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. So last episode I talked about my small decision when waking up way ahead of my alarm clock, my small decision to be grateful and how it really changed the whole day. And I kind of want to continue down that train of thought.

And the reason why is this, there’s a old proverb that says, do not dismay as small beginnings. Okay. And you talk about that being so true. And it’s interesting to me because most of my mistakes in life and most of the things that I made mistakes with in business or in relationships or wherever I was at is I overlooked the little things and I didn’t care about them the way I should. And this totally relates to the episode I did yesterday because it was one small decision waking up two hours ahead of my alarm clock to be grateful that made the day awesome versus the other side of the small decision, which was to be in an ungrateful heart posture and complain about things. And then as a result, the whole day is ruined. And then that day, that ruined day then trickles over into the week. Because how does your current day today not affect tomorrow?

And I’m saying all of this because as people, we often overlook all of the small issues in life, all the small things and decisions and we often think that the decisions all look like achieving and climbing to the top of Mount Everest or winning the Super Bowl like, yeah, that’s the big decision. That’s the, that’s the moment where my whole life changed. My world completely changed because I just made this one decision that changed everything. And it’s really not true because up to any decision or moment like that in your life or in my life, there’s a series of small steps taken every step of the way.

You listen to anybody’s success story and you can map out all the steps they took to get to that one moment where the opportunity was in front of them that allowed them to either move into their dream, have their career and their amazing opportunity for the career, their dream job, build the company they want, get investors, whatever’s going on. You can look and actually identify all the small steps leading up to the way.

And the reason why I’m saying this is because there’s a saying of like, Hey, don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s actually don’t sweat the big stuff. That’s really what it should be because the big stuff is gonna happen if you do the small things, if you take care of the small things.

My dad was an airplane pilot and he flew for American Airlines for 20 plus years. He retired from American and he flew some big airplanes, right? He flew 767, 757s, all that. you know, flying those large airplanes, you know what one of the things they did every day before they took off? A checklist, a small checklist. I mean it wasn’t small, it’s a couple pages, but they were small little detailed items. Hey, did you check this? Did you walk around the plane? Did you look at this? Did you look at that? Just all small little details. Why? Because it’s the small little details if they’re overlooked and they’re not properly addressed if something’s wrong, that would cause failure. That would cause something catastrophic and if you look at your life, there’s a lot of things that have happened in your life and just probably similar to mine where I overlook small little issues and I didn’t sweat the small things and as a result, big consequences came out of them because it’s really the small things that actually add up to create the opportunity you’re looking for in life, right?

It’s the quote from Usain Bolt where he said, I trained for four years to run nine seconds. Think about that, four years of small things every day getting up. It’s not the big moment. It’s not him winning gold medals yet. It’s just, I’m gonna get up and I’m going to eat my breakfast the way I need to eat my breakfast to be healthy. I’m going to do my stretching. I’m going to drink my water. I’m going, whatever it is. It’s the small things over and over and over ad nauseum that led up to him being one of the fastest runners and world record holders in running in the world.

But you think about that and what we like to focus on is the nine seconds that huge deal and it’s like, no, that’s not what gets you to the nine seconds is like, cool. I’m just this amazing thing. It just doesn’t happen. Right there. You you move through life the same way Usain Bolt move through life when he ran in the Olympics, through small steps, small decisions, small actions.

And so anyways, going back to yesterday’s episode about that one small decision to be grateful, that changed my whole week because if I’m waking up miserable that day, the day is going to be miserable. How is that not going to bleed over into the next day? And vice versa, I woke up grateful and thankful. So how did that not bleed over into tomorrow? And then how did tomorrow not bleed over into the rest of the week?

And so you think about that and all of sudden the smallest things don’t seem so insignificant. Anyways, guys, I’m way over. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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