Ep. 411 – Pausing With Self Control


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody. Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So today guys, I actually want to talk about self control and I want to talk about why self control is so important, especially when moving through life. And there’s a few reasons for this first. If you’ve never heard of the book and I don’t know who wrote it, but it’s everyone’s a salesman. I encourage you to read it. And the reason why is because it helps you see life differently, as a perspective of you are selling everything you do to every person that you have a relationship with for them to have buy in to your ideas, whether it’s where you should go out to eat, whether it’s what you should buy for gifts, whether it’s where you should celebrate Christmas, how, whatever, whether it’s where you’re going to hang out for the night, you are in a process of persuasion and negotiation and sales. And it’s a great book.

And self -control is so important because the emotional reactions that we have as people normally end up damaging relationships, work, and decision making long term. And those three areas where you have relationships, right, you have all those relationships with people whether at work, in jobs, your friends, the emotional decision making and the knee jerk reactions are normally more harmful than they are helpful And if you can pause with self control, pause yourself to take a breath and go, okay, let me just stop for a moment. Let me just stop and listen. Cool. Whatever they’re telling me, I don’t particularly care for or like or cool their attitude, their tone of voice. It’s inciting, but let me just pause. You talk about keeping you at a world of trouble, longterm world of trouble, where you’re at world of trouble with your friends, world of trouble at work. Right?

Because I’ll be real with you. You’re not going to work for, you know, the most amazing people on earth and in your life. It’s not going to happen no matter where you go. Cool. You got your dream job. You’re not going to work with amazing people 100 % of the time, all the time, and people who care and are selfless and are team players, like all this stuff. Nope. Not going to do that. Not going to happen. It’s just not life. Right? You have people who’ve chosen to be really good people, who’ve made decisions well in their life or whatever their history was and they’re wonderful to work with versus you have other people who don’t have any interest in that. They don’t care.

And so the thing is, is when you’re dealing with relationships that way, knee jerk reactions hurts you and having self control is such a key principle and discipline in your life to have. the self control to say no to the emotional reactions. Having self control to say no to food. Having self control to say no to buying things and then taking the money and putting it elsewhere. Having self -control is so important in order to move forward in life. Because when you do not have self -control, life just seems to happen to you, right? Not for you, it just seems to happen to you. And then all of sudden all these big problems arise.

But looking back, and if I look back over my life, when I did not have self -control, that is when it was most damaging to me in whatever area that was, whether it was friendships, whether it was business, whatever it is, and where there’s a lack of self control. And I’m saying this because over the last couple episodes that I’ve been talking, a lot of it has revolved around the principle of self control. Like I talked about really taking a step back, taking a step back and pausing yourself when there’s high, intense situations in your life, right? And we’re not going through something that’s super intense like combat or anything like that. You know, anything crazy or nuts like that.

But what we are talking about is like, cool, there’s an intense situation at work between me and a coworker or I’m working on this negotiation, this deal. And now all of a sudden a client is talking about, Hey, I don’t think this and I think that. then it’s like, no, I might lose them. I might lose the deal. All this stuff. And it’s like pausing to have self -control to step back and just observe pausing to have self -control to listen, not just be afraid of what you want, not to have that emotional knee jerk reaction.

The thing about all of this though, is when you start having self -control in one area, it bleeds over into life and the rest of everything. And this is how life works. Once you start one place, it spreads throughout your life to everything else. Whatever it is, self-control, once you start eating healthy, that seems to spread over to money, seems to spread over to other disciplines. Once you start going to the gym and it spreads and grows, it’s the same thing with a lack of self-control. If you have a lack of self-control in a certain area, it’s gonna spread over into every area.

And part of the lie that we like to tell ourselves is this, well, I just do it here but I don’t do it there and that’s not really true because how can you parse yourself out as a human being that way? How can you not be holistically affected by who you are and the decisions you’ve made?

Just some food for thought. Anyways guys, I’m over. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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