Ep. 412 – Your Clients Don’t Need Proof You Do


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to Five Minute Rants.

So today guys, I wanna talk about self -confidence and I wanna talk about believing in yourself, especially when you’re about to do something new. And I also want to address something that I went through and Andrew went through when we first started business and it seems to apply in life, just in general.

So let me go through and just give a little background first, when Andrew and I first started business, one of the things that we struggled with was, we don’t have any clients. We don’t have any past history. We don’t have any past work to show clients. We don’t have past proof that what we’ve done has been successful. We don’t have all this stuff, right? All this background, all this history. And what we told ourselves was this, all of our clients are gonna want proof. They’re gonna wanna know what we’ve done. And to some extent, that’s true. When you’re partnering with somebody, having a history helps.

But what we think about and what we didn’t see at the time was really this. Our clients didn’t want proof. We wanted proof. I wanted to prove to myself that, we’re going to be able to do this. Hey, we’re valuable. Hey, what we have to offer is valuable. And this seems to be a theme when I’ve talked with younger entrepreneurs, when I’ve talked with people new in business or just in general in life, Hey, I’m going to go do this next job. no. Do I have the skills necessary for my resume? Am I going to be able to prove it in this and that and this and that and this and that?

And it’s so interesting to look at the same pattern of I need proof. But what I’m really saying out loud is they need proof. And if you can pause and stop yourself in that process and if you can pause yourself and really think and really stop and go, OK, cool, I’m worth it. At least I’m worth trying and I don’t need proof to show you that I’m going to do a good job. See, doing a good job comes from you being a person of your word.

Because here’s the real issue in life. You don’t know all the answers to all the questions and all the problems are going to come your way. However, you are fully capable of finding those answers and implementing them. And sure, yes, there are certain jobs and there are certain skill sets such as like heart surgeon that need training, need background, need history. But I want to tell you what when a heart surgeon goes and does their first surgery on their own, they don’t have the history and what it really takes is self belief that cool, I can do this. I’ve done all the preparation up front.

And here’s the other thing, you’re new in business and you’re just starting out, cool, do all your preparation up front. You don’t need to sit here and try and prove to clients that you’re worth it. If you believe you’re worth it, you will find people along the way who will believe you’re worth it too and they’ll partner with you. This is the same for just about anything.

It’s super interesting because going back to that resume and I was talking about like, I’m going to do I have the do I have the skill set? Do I have what I need to take? And can I prove to the employer that I’m going to get this job? One of my good friends worked in recruiting and what he would say is we don’t even look at the skills. Cool. You just say the few things you need unless the job is really like high level tech skills or high. mean, like there’s technical skills required in the job. What we want to look for is did you actually take time writing your resume and do you believe in yourself? And it really applies to this. It’s the same thing.

And so if you’re thinking about just starting working like, man, how am I going to prove like how about trust and this and that it’s like you can stop and just be upfront with people if you’re going to offer a service or product. Hey, listen, I don’t have any history, but I’ll tell you what I need history and I need good history. So I will work extra hard to make sure that I have a good name coming out of this. And you don’t want to start the relationship in a subservient place, right, where the cheapest price wins or who can give the customer the most free stuff wins. That’s a bad place to be. And I’m not talking about giving or paying it forward. I’m just talking about the heart position of I’ll do whatever it takes and certain things. You don’t want to put yourself in a bad spot. But what you do want is to believe that you are valuable and that what you do is value and it has value and then you need to do the preparation upfront to move forward.

Most of the time why we don’t believe in ourselves or why we get nervous about something is we actually haven’t done the proper preparation. We haven’t done the proper preparation upfront. And so all that being said, with everything that I’m talking about right now, you are the one who needs proof. You need proof to believe in yourself. And oftentimes it’s just a simple choice to go, Nope, I’m worth this. Let me do it.

Your customers, your clients, or the job you’re applying for, they don’t need proof. You need proof because if you believe in yourself, it’s very easy for other people to believe in yourself.

Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later, peace.

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