Ep. 413 – AI?! Keep You Head Down & Go Back To Work


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So today I’m going to start off with a little story and the story is sitting in the basement that I was renting at the time in the living room of that basement talking with Andrew. When we first started this company like 10 years ago, we talked about artificial intelligence and what we talked about artificial intelligence was me going, my gosh, we’re late to the game. We are late to the game. This is here. It’s already here now and there’s nothing we can do about it. What in the world are we going to do?

And at the time it was actually really stressful and you’re like, why was it stressful? None of this stuff really happened until like 10 years later. Yes, but in the time it felt like cool. It’s like right now, like it is going to just happen tomorrow. So with that being said, with that short little story. Let me give you a few more details about me and who I am.

I see in a lot of long -term vision, it’s just natural to me. It’s just how I think a lot. so things that come down the road in 10 years seem like tomorrow to me. And in this moment where we’re talking about artificial intelligence, I’m like, hey, bro, it’s not gonna replace what people think it’s gonna replace. It’s going to replace jobs that not very many people are expecting it to. It’s going to replace a lot of marketing. It’s going to change the whole course of marketing. We listed out pretty much most and I, you we’ve got documents, just notes about thoughts and ideas for planning about what is taking place today with artificial intelligence from like 10 years ago.

And going through that whole conversation with him was hard because at the point in time where we were in business and life, honestly, there’s nothing we could do about it but put our heads down and go back to work, plan for it, but then we gotta go back to work because there’s not much that we can do to change, especially with our current plan because we don’t wanna go into debt, we don’t want to have other board members or private equity come on board at this stage or whatever. We didn’t want to have all these different pieces in, in play while we were building the company. And so as a result, there’s nothing to do but keep our head down go back to work.

And the whole moral of this story, what I’m trying to get to is simply that there’s so many things that go on in your life. There’s problems. There’s going to be awesome events where you celebrate because an achievement was accomplished. You’re going to go through struggle. Something unexpected happened and it’s hurtful and it can even harm you and it’s painful. Well, the story is cool. You got to put your head back down and you got to go back to work.

Cool. You see stuff changing. Awesome. There’s massive changes in the industry coming. There’s this, there’s that. What do we do? You put your head back down and you go to work. You have your plan. You draft out your plan, right? And a plan includes like, here’s the vision. That’s what we’re doing. We don’t want in debt, right? We don’t want to be in debt. We want to have a culture that loves people, cool. Here’s how we’re going to accomplish those things, make them practical. And then as time goes on, put your head back down and go back to work and that’s it.

And it’s interesting because I did an episode about not despising the small things, but that’s the small thing. I show up, put my head down, go back to work during the day, do my task, do my work, which is only one man’s worth of work. Right. And I can make that work exponential and I can make it multiplicative depending on how I’m actually accomplishing the work after it’s done, how I’m leveraging it and using it and what type of work I’m doing, which is, you I can talk about later. However, that small moment of, I just gotta put my head down go back to work. And this lesson took me a long time to learn, by the way. Especially, it’s like, man, here’s these things, here’s this, here’s that.

Like Andrew had, and I had another conversation, we were just meeting about building and planning the company, and it’s like, hey, this is gonna change. And when I was talking, it’s like, my gosh, you’re right. This is totally going to change. And Andrew’s and I partnership just in general is amazing because Andrew is very much in the present and he is such an implementer. He can implement and he can actually take things that I’m talking about and help make them practical in large ways that are simple and easy for the team to grab ahold of. And it’s amazing.

And our partnership works really well that way because oftentimes when we’re having an AI conversation, and we’re talking to other people, it’s like, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? And that’s fine. But it’s like my relation with people and being able to actually relate in certain ways, in certain areas with vision or sight or whatever you want to call it, is much more distant from people in a lot of ways than Andrew’s. So anyways, our partnership’s amazing. And when we have these conversations, there’s a lot of good things that come out from them. So anyways, I digress.

The whole point of what I’m saying is the same thing just happened yesterday. oh wow, things are changing. Okay, let’s put our heads back down and go back to work. And that was it.

So anyways guys, that’s what I’ve got for you today. Anyways, I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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