Ep. 414 – Learning = Changed Behavior


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody welcome back to THE a.m guys welcome back to 5 Minute Rants. Well guys today I actually want to talk about learning.

It’s interesting because..it’s just super interesting to me because learning is such a crucial part of life. But again, it’s one of the underrated things, underrated items, actions, and defined words in life. Because you talk about learning, what’s one of the first things people think of school. Cool. That’s not learning, right? School is a system. School is an institution, right? that’s been implemented by people and it may be correlated with learning but it’s not causal. You are the sole source and the sole cause of whether you learn.

And I’m bringing this up for a couple reasons. One, because knowing how you learn is very important. And then two, actually understanding and seeing when you learn something is very important. And then three, being able to actually measure if you have learned something or not is important.

I’m going to start with something Alex Hermosy said I listened to like years ago and one things he said and he defined really well was learning. When you learn it equals changed behavior. You don’t do the thing that you were still doing. You change what you’re doing and how you do it. And so that’s where I want to start and this is why working with a lot of people, working with clients, being in relationships with people, being in partnerships, being in a leadership position, team positions, you watch and interact with people a lot. Like me personally, I interact with a lot of people, do a lot of things with people. A lot of my job revolves around soft skills.

And it’s interesting to me because I will watch people and I will watch them not learn, but they have a feeling and thoughts of that they’re learning but evidence of learning means changed behavior. And learning’s neither positive nor bad. You can learn to do bad things, and you’ve learned them, and you’ve changed behavior to do that. You can learn to do good things and helpful things, but there’s changed behavior. And that’s a whole another thing. We’ll talk about how we assume things are either like straight up good or straight up bad, and we’re just on one side or the other already making judgment calls without taking a step back and going, oh it’s neither. It’s an actual, it’s an actual action and change that takes place in me. And then I get to choose whether I use it for good or bad.

So anyways, going back to learning. Okay. And I don’t know if I’m losing some of you guys on this. I think like this, but the point of what I’m trying to say is this. If you want to learn and change, it really helps to map. What does it look like if I’ve really understood what I’m doing and I have mastery of what I’m doing? What does the outcome look like?

And to give you an example, a couple days ago when I was recording an episode, I forgot to press cord on the podcast equipment. I pressed cord on all the audio equipment, right? And the video equipment, but not on the actual, hey, I want to keep this as just an audio track. And then today I thought about that exact moment and said, this is how I made the mistake. I’m going to change my behavior so I don’t make that same mistake again, because I’ve done it twice. I’ve done it twice over a course of, I don’t know, a year and half, two years now almost. And it really reminded me, I was like, learning. I need to talk about learning. And now here’s why it’s very important.

In order for you to change as a person, it requires you to learn. Learning is fueled by curiosity. If you’re a curious person, you normally already like to learn and want to learn. And so know that, but then second, if you are trying to change and build a better life, it is going to require you to learn, which means get changed behavior in your life. Your behavior is going to change. You want to learn negotiations. The way you talk is going to change. You want to learn how to code the way you think is going to change and then how you do work and how you conceptualize things is going to change. There’s going to be change behavior in your life.

And so if you can map out what that person looks like who has learned whatever you’re trying to learn, what you need to learn in order to proceed into the next stage of life, you can then measure that to be like, wow, how far away am I? How close am I? Right?

Now, here’s the other thing. If you’re a leader, you can actually now help people learn because you understand how learning occurs. You understand how learning happens, right? Where there’s a belief change because that’s part of what learning does is just knowing truth and knowing fact doesn’t change any belief there has to be a belief change right and all these things occur and then you walk down the line.

And I’m saying all of this because if somebody could simply have defined a lot of these things early on for me It would have helped so much and just understanding. So anyways guys, I’m way over like usual and I’ll catch you later. Peace

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