Ep. 420 – The Ask


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So guys, today I’m going to talk about the ask and the ask, in my opinion, in my humble opinion, is one of the most important principles in life that you can learn to live by. And here is the proverb that the Ask comes from. You have not because you ask not. And I’m going to start with that.

And there are so many stories in my life where I have even gotten amazing things and amazing opportunities have come out and have opened up in front of me in my life, simply because I’ve asked, and then on the flip side, because I haven’t asked, I haven’t just Simply dared to step out and to get rejected. A lot of amazing opportunities have slipped past me in my life. And so I’m saying all of this because it seems to be a common theme with people that we don’t like to ask.

It’s interesting because asking for something even as simple as contact information or phone number, and even in just like you know, you’re asking somebody out. Whatever it takes humility and vulnerability. It really takes those two things. Because one, you have to have enough humility to reach out, and then the second, you’ve got to actually be vulnerable enough and open yourself up to being told no.

Now here’s the crazy thing. So when Andrew and I first started business our mentor. One of the things he said, who’s, like, one of my best friends now, one of the things he said was, why are you so worried about whether they’re going to hire you or not? You’re worried over something you don’t even have. And that is so true. And it really like, I mean, it was great. It was like a slap in the face, but like, in a good way, like it was like, Oh my gosh, that’s so true. We’re so worried about losing a job we don’t even have. That makes zero sense. Like, I’m worried about something that I don’t have. I’m worried about a house that I don’t even own somewhere over in like, Russia or like or China or Europe or Africa or Japan, or wherever I don know, whatever country I’m worried about, that house I don’t even own it. It’s not my possession. And that’s the same thing with the Ask.

We’re worried about getting told no over something we don’t even have. And it’s a wrong perspective to have in that perspective actually inhibits you, and as an obstacle you gotta overcome until your perspective changes, until your perspective changes to it doesn’t matter. I don’t have it anyway, so why not even ask for it? Let’s see what happens. And then you start realizing, because you have the humility to ask, right?

You’re not entitled to whatever you’re asking for, by the way, entitlement will kill that, because people know that and feel the entitlement from you, and they’ll want to run away from you, because nobody likes entitlement. But if you have the humility and the knowledge that you’re not entitled to and you you go forward humbly to ask, you’d be surprised. How many yeses you get, you would be surprised. How many people tell you yes, and how many people actually want to help.

There are so many times where I’ve called so many people to learn something from them. Hey, could you help me with this and actually educate me on this? And they love it, and it’s actually what it does in the Ask actually opens up an opportunity for them to give and pay it forward first, which is a whole second principle, it’s better to give than receive, right? It’s better to give than receive. And what does that mean when people give man, they feel good, it gives them an opportunity to sow good into my life, or to sow good somewhere.

And I tell you what, people really love that. And if you think about moments when people have asked you for things, how hard have you been? How bad has it been when people have asked you to teach them about something? Normally, your face lights up and you’re excited. I would love to tell you about that. I’m really passionate about that. And then there’s excitement, and you experience joy because they have the humility to ask you. And so I’m saying all of this because you need to ask, ask for help, ask for education, ask to be taught, ask for an opportunity. Ask for a chance.

If you’re new in business, okay, go out and ask people’s business. You don’t have anything to lose. It’s not like you’re it’s not like you’re if you get told no by whoever’s telling you no, all of a sudden, you lose your entire business, or whatever. It’s not like that. It’s like, oh, I don’t even have anything. So I might as well ask and get started, and you’ll watch things change because of the humility that’s required.

And if you get told no, that’s great, awesome, you get to learn how to lose. If you get told no, oh, that’s great, you get to improve. And then here’s the other thing, you get told no, you could be like, Hey, if you don’t mind, would you tell me why? And then that way I can actually grow and improve and then you get feedback from them, and now you’re developing a relationship with them. Who knows, they might come back around and hire you.

Anyways, that’s it, guys. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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