Ep. 427 – In Charge of Your Own Success


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to five minute rants.

So guys, today I actually want to talk about another side of ownership and responsibility. I want to talk about, oftentimes, how we as people put our success in something other than ourselves. And this comes back to a principle of self belief. It is so important to believe in yourself, and it is so important to believe that you can do whatever you’re going to set out to do.

Growing up in my father’s workshop. Whenever we would go downstairs to work, we’d build things. He did a lot of woodworking. He had this big sign over that door leading out to the backyard, and it said, I can. And that sign stuck with me because it really like looking at I read it probably on a daily basis, well, maybe not quite a daily basis, but I read it a lot, all right? And the point of what I’m saying is this is it really instilled a belief set in me that I can, I can do anything I want. And my dad would say those things to me, and I’m really grateful for that. And he really instilled a lot of things in me and a lot of principles that really helped me move forward through life, and he’s part of the reason why I’m here in the things that he did instill in me.

And so that sign I can is what I’m talking about, where a lot of us have that sign in our hearts where it’s like, oh, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t do that. Oh, I can’t do that. And then we have all our reasons why it’s interesting I can’t is followed by tons of reasons. And I can is not when you say, oh, I can do this. You don’t normally have a lot of reasons. And if people ask you, well, how do you know you can? Well, I just know, and that’s normally how it goes. And for a lot of people who have a lot of self confidence, they know that they can do what they set out for.

And oftentimes there is a list of accomplishments behind that. As you accomplish more and as you have more success, you become more self confident. That’s why making your bed every morning is important. Because it’s not the fact that making your bed actually helps you. It’s the fact that you told yourself you would do something, and then you showed up and kept your promise to yourself. You didn’t lie to yourself. You did what you said you were going to do, and now you believe yourself, oh, I promised myself I’d make my bed. I promised myself I’d stretch. I promised myself I’d count my calories. I’d promised myself that I’d drink water. I promised myself I’d go to the gym. I promised myself I’d read books. And you start doing that, and that’s how it helps build self confidence in you, because you know that you’re no longer lying to yourself. You’re actually keeping your word to yourself and being a person of your word.

So anyways, I can does have a list of accomplishments that do help build it up. But the point of what I’m saying is this, oftentimes, when we set out to do things like, Oh, I can’t, I can’t. Here’s all these circumstances, here’s all these reasons for I can’t, for why I cannot do what I can when I’m whatever I want to sit out and do. And that’s not true. The reasons in front of you cool. They may be real. Some of them actually may be closed doors, but there’s always different doors to get where you want to go, right?

If you look at every entrepreneurial journey, if you look at every person who was successful in life, they all took a different path on how to get there. They all took a different road. Not any person walked the same road to the same path to accomplish there may have been similarities between what they did, but they never walked on the same path, and they were never exact photocopies of each other. So there’s always different doors to get where you want to go.

And the point of everything that I am saying is this, you are in charge of your own success. You can be successful in whatever you do. You can be successful in whatever you set out to do. It’s just a question of, Do you believe in yourself? And belief is not emotions, right? Insecurity can be emotional. It can be very emotional. There can be fear behind it. There could be all these things. But self belief says, No, I can do this. No matter what we what I’m currently going through, and what I experience and what I feel right now, I know that we can do this.

And even now, in the entrepreneurial journey cool, I’ve gone through a lot of stuff. There’s a lot of things that I’ve walked through and that Andrew’s walk through, but there’s still times and moments I was like, Oh, we haven’t encountered this before. What do we do? And you can actually feel twinges of the old self doubt creep in and different things, and then it’s still that conscious decision of, I’m not going to act upon that emotion. I know what we can do, and we’re capable of doing great things, and we’ve proven that we can do great things, and we are going to continue to do great things, and we may fail in the process. Okay, we’ll learn, and that failure won’t go to waste. And we’ll pick ourselves up, and we’ll try again, and we’ll get back on the bike,

And I promise you, it doesn’t matter if we’re late, if we’re slower or if we’re the fastest. We are going to ride that bike, and that’s what matters, is that we are riding it.

So anyways, guys, that’s it. I’m out of time, and I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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