Ep. 430 – Stay Small To Grow


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, what’s up, what’s up everybody. Welcome back to THE a.m guys.

So today, just so y’all know, I’m gonna talk about a little more technical things, just in business. And this is for anybody who’s really just thinking about starting their own thing, or has just started and is younger in business, and has really been early in the journey. And what I want to talk about is staying small to grow. And this is what I mean by this.

You keep your focus small right? And there are five things that you need to focus on when you’re starting out right. And this is, and I’m not talking about a startup where that’s going to be a radically different mindset. This is cool. I worked for landscape company for years, and I always wanted to open my own landscape company, and so now this is how I’m doing it. I saved up about the equipment. I’ve got an LLC. I incorporated myself, whatever, and now I’m just starting out, or, Hey, I have worked as a sales consultant for a large firm. This is how I want to do it. And here’s here’s the things to focus on, and you have focus points. And this what I mean by staying small. Your focus is small.

And there’s a saying that says, aim, small, miss small. And it’s true. So if your focus is small, your variation of degree of failure will be off by very little as well. And so first you have your core offering. What is it that you’re selling that’s actually making you money? You want to focus on that. Every business has a core offering. And if you look at a lot of companies that have failed over the years, you can see that they’ve deviated from their core offering because the market changed. Well, they deviated for reasons. I’m not going to get into the reasons why they deviated, but they deviated from their core offering and did not have a replacement for it to actually support the business, because most companies are known for one thing.

So Nike’s, if you think about it, Nike is primarily known for shoes, right? They’re an athletic brand, and they have a lot of athletic wear, but they’re known for shoes, core offering shoes and all that being said with this, you have your points to think about and your focus points, all right? First one’s core offering. Second one is marketing. There’s a saying that sales cures all, and it’s true, but you’re not going to have any sales if you don’t actually market. And here’s the thing, you’re starting out, awesome. You got social you. There’s a lot you can do. AI has really changed a lot of the paid ad game in a large way and a large things.

And there’s a lot of stuff you can do, and you will need expertise later on, but it’s just you so far, right? And so the support that you need in the finances and the revenue coming in are not going to be that massive yet, to where you’re supporting 1000 team unit, right? Moving through things and moving through the economy like that, you’ll get there when you get there.

The other thing about marketing that’s really important is it is important to just start it doesn’t matter if it’s great, doesn’t matter if it’s bad. You just need to get out there and begin doing and then whatever you do will automatically improve as long as you’re thinking about it. The third thing that you really need to focus on is infrastructure and processes cool. You’re the only person working there. That’s a trap, because eventually, unless you want to do this for the rest of your life, you love the craft, and there’s a difference.

Like you’re an artisan honing your craft, right? And unless you’re that man who is or woman who is honing their craft, because this is what they love doing, you’re going to want to bring in a team of people, which means you’re going to need infrastructure, you’re going to need processes, and you’re going to need to build that stuff and focus on that, and build and craft. And I would have dedicated time to that, and I have dedicated time each day, hour, two hours, whatever it is, to where you’re cool. I’m processing this stuff out. I’m learning how to do it, and then cool, this is how we do it, and this is I teach somebody to do it, and then you can be able to pass that.

And then, last but not least, focus on people. You need people one because of the whole customer facing side. But if you’re going to build a company, you’ve got to be good with people. Cool. Well, it’s not your personality. Awesome. That’s great. It’s something you can learn having soft skills are just that soft skills, and it’s so important to focus on the soft skills.

If I had this list when I started, man, a lot of other things would be so much, so much different in the journey. It’s interesting because I’m giving you a lot of the stuff that Andrew and I wish we had when we first started out. I’m giving you a lot of the things up front so that you can know what not to do and know what to do a little quicker, a little faster along the way than Andrew and I did.

And these are things that we learned. And this is still three main focus points with the company. And you look at a lot of big, large companies that are massive international companies, right? No matter how big or small they are, they still focus on these.

So core offering, the marketing. The building the company, infrastructure, processes, and then people, and those are your four points that you really want to focus on when you first start.

Anyways, guys, I’m over. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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