Ep. 432 – Risk: Is It Opportunity or Danger?


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, guys, I actually want to talk about risk, and this is why I want to talk about risk. First, risk is in every aspect of life. It doesn’t matter where you are, it doesn’t matter what situation is. You are always risking something. And I think it’s important to have a correct perspective about risk and where it’s at. Most people think risky is like, Oh yeah, let me go climb up a cliff. Let me go jump out of an airplane and skydive, and they’re like, that’s really risky. Or, Hey, let me invest. A lot of people think investing is risky, right? And going through that, that’s not at all what risk is or is limited to really.

I think it’s important to expand our concept of risk and how we see risk, because here’s where risk comes in, everything is risky. You, you are in a friendship. You did something to hurt that friendship unknowingly, and you just realize, oh, no, I I went and did this, and now I’ve got to tell my friend, and now you’re in a position of risk. Okay? And so here’s I’m just explaining another level so we can all get on the same page. So do you tell your friend what you did, and do you risk losing the friendship? Or do you lie and risk losing the friendship? Because if you lie, and you continue to lie, then you find out later on. I mean, your friend finds out later on, and then you’ve lost the relationship anyway.

So essentially, what I’m saying is, no matter what option you’re taking, you have to risk either side. Here’s another example of risk. You are hanging out with your friends and you just want to be emotionally honest, or you want to tell them, Hey, you did something and it hurt me. You’re risking something doing that, and you’re also risking not saying anything. The point of those examples is this, no matter where you’re at, you cannot get away from risk. You can always minimize risk, right? You can learn how to communicate. You can learn how to negotiate. You can learn how to have emotional intelligence, where you’re not just emotionally communicating from this emotional place, or actually being able to objectively communicate and have empathy in the conversation, even if it’s something about you with your friends. Whatever, you can mitigate risk. The point is, you can mitigate risk.

thing that is very important to see about risk is this, when you view risk, when you see it, how do you see it? Do you see it as danger, or do you see it as opportunity? And if you see risk as danger, you’re going to operate out of a place of fear. And fear is not a good place for decision making. Fear is not a good place to make good, solid decisions. Or do you see it as an opportunity?

Here’s why it’s really important to see that risk is opportunity. Going back to that situation to where it’s like, okay, cool, I did something that hurt my friend. Well, I tell the truth. I see it as an opportunity to grow together and to establish Hey, when I do something that will hurt you, you can trust me, and I’ll be honest and open with you. And if they want to grow through that, great. If they don’t, they’re probably not the right friend. But if I withhold that, then, along the lines, down the way, our friendship is going to be toxic, right?

And so I see the risk as, oh, this is a great test to see if we’re actually going to have a long term healthy relationship with trust. Now here’s the thing, when you’re in business, you’re going to have to take a lot of risks. You’re going to do a lot of things that you don’t know how to do. You don’t know the outcome. Nothing’s predetermined. And this honestly is pretty much everything in life, right? There’s no hey, there’s no just cookie cutter answer for anything. And so I think it’s very important to see that.

And so when you’re in business, when you’re building, when you’re in your career, you’re going to have to take risks. You’re going to have to go out and take steps that you are not sure are going to turn out well or for your benefit, but it’s an opportunity to succeed. Now, here’s the great thing about mistakes. Most mistakes can be corrected. There’s very few types of mistakes that are going to be life altering and life ending, and when they are in front of you, you know what type of mistakes thathey are like, hey, murdering somebody, right? You kind of know that’s that’s kind of easy to see that this going to ruin my life.

So the point of what I’m saying is, when you’re making decisions in the business, when you’re making decisions out there, it’s so important to see risk as opportunity versus danger, and then know that if. You have made a bad decision. It is very easy to course correct.

Anyways, guys, that’s it. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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