Ep. 433 – Where You Are In Life = Your Current Capacity


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, guys, I actually want to talk about, like our current stages in life. And the reason why is I want to talk about capacity. So before I get into this, let me just give some background. Everybody in life goes through life in stages. You are on a certain piece or path of the trail as you’re going throughout life. And it’s interesting because where you walk on your journey is directly correlated to your capacity to move forward in life and in the journey.

And this is more of a I guess, thought process and self reflection and self measurement to really see yourself, to know who you are, to know where you’re at and know how to improve, because here’s, here is a rule of thumb that I have learned when I am leading a team, or I’m leading people and I am or just, let me just I’m building the company right, and leading the company. The company’s current stage is capped by my capacity as a leader. What does that mean? Where we are at in a company is where I’m at personally in my capacity to lead, to build and to create.

Now I’m saying this to give context, because that principle applies everywhere. My current stage in my marriage, where I’m at relationally with my wife, where we are at in life building, and what we’re doing is capped by my personal capacity to lead, right? It’s capped by my personal capacity from my side of the marriage. Now, with marriage, or even with a partnership like Andrew and I have with the company, there are two people in place and in leadership. And so this, this goes a little more in detail. And if you’re leading the team, your team is capped by individual capacity as well, of who is within the team, who is part of the team, not just yourself.

But it’s so important to see that if you’re in charge, you’re also in charge of who’s on the team, and then ultimately, you’re in charge of capacity and growth. And so this goes hand in hand with every stage in your life. If you look at your life growing up from being a four year old all the way through your 20s, 30s, however you old you are now, you can watch yourself change and life change around you, as your capacity to process, make decisions, think, to see and observe, to be able to assess situations, to be able to learn and grow, to improve. You can see how life and how it is around you created, how it is directly affected by your capacity in these areas, and it’s the same across the board, universally.

And so if you are looking to go somewhere, and so a couple episodes ago, I talked about having a vision for your life. You need a vision for your life. What is the person? What is the person look like 10 years from now, who is at peak capacity living the life that I want to live? What does that person have to look like? What does that person have to be like? And then you’ve drafted that out, and then that helps you measure your current capacity versus where you’re going. And then you can see the stages. So this goes for like, I want to get promoted, right? I want to move into another role. Most people think, Well, I just need to apply to get promoted. And it’s not just that, right? It’s not I just need some skills. I have to change as an individual to become the right person for that position. I have to change as an individual to become the leader that the team in the company is looking for, that I want to work with in the new position, or whatever it is

And if you look at that, that’s how it’s been your whole life, even when you’re in high school and you go out and get a job, well, you’re going to get a job that normally employs people at high school capacity. Think about that, right? If your capacity is higher, you will get a better job. But you look at those people, and you look at what they were like back then, and they got a different job, an internship or something, their capacity is higher.

And yes, there are factors and that, you know, talk about, you know, connections, parents, all that sort of stuff. And I’m not, I’m not talking about that. I just want to get the concept across that your capacity matters. Who you’re as a person today matters and who you’re going to be tomorrow really matters as well. And if you want to move forward well in life, you must grow as a human being. You must change and improve and any everything in life, everything in life, is always continually moving forward.

That’s how time works. Think about time. Time is constantly moving forward. And even on Earth, it seems like we’re still we’re constantly moving, and that’s how life works, as well as a person.

Anyways, guys, that’s it. I hope you have a great day, and I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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