Ep. 434 – Company Wide Mindset Shift


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Hope you’re doing good, hope life’s treating you well, honestly Im doing better than I deserve. There’s been a lot of hard stuff going on lately, which is great in the company, just challenges, new challenges we haven’t faced before. And it’s been awesome because it has really pushed, pushed me to have a complete mindset shift about certain things. So one of them being speed, one of them being work, one of them being productivity.

I may or may not talk about all those. I did do an episode recently about capacity and how your current capacity is equivalent, like your current stage in life is equal to your current capacity to navigate life or to lead or wherever you’re at whatever area in life, and this corresponds directly.

So one of the things that I constantly am asking myself, What is the real work? And the real work is the most important and valuable work in the moment that I can do that gets to the vision quicker. So what is the most important thing I can do? So for instance, let me, let me give you a simple example, my goal in life, my body’s goal is to live. The most important work it can do in the moment that helps me live is Breathe Right. Second, most important work it can do is drink water. Third, most important is to eat is and then exercise is in there, having shelters in there, basic necessities just to live, right? And so the real work is finding that.

And I was talking with Andrew the other day, and I was like, here’s my measurement of things that we’re doing, things that I’m doing, I’m doing, like 20, 30% real work to what needs to be built, but we need to go even higher and further and so, and we need to go higher and further faster, and we need to go quicker to get to the real work. I want to know the real work instantaneously.

And so, one of the challenges that we talked about was cool. How do we find that real work? How do we find it what matters? And several things occurred throughout this week, is first realizing there’s current work, there’s present work, there’s also future work you have to build for the future. And then there’s work that is must be done today. So an example of present work is all client work must be done today. Future work is, what does it look like in three years? What are the initiatives that need to be built out and completed within the next three years for the company to grow into its next stage, that came out.

Another thing came out to where we talked about, what if we had every single thing mapped out in detail for the real work? Hey, here’s the vision, and we break it down further, and then here’s our measurement process. Here’s the measurement process that occurs. And so we began going through all this, and I’m, I’m getting into details, and the point is having a mindset shift this week, of it is more important now than ever to find my real work in the plan to do it.

And then here’s, the interesting thing, and this is kind of the point of where I’m going. I had to translate that to the team. So talking with Andrew, great, Andrew and I’ve been together. We’ve been friends for, I don’t know, 10-12, years now, and not just business partners, but friends. And we’ve worked together for a long time, but then taking this and translating it to the team to give them vision, to help them see.

That was one of the huge challenges this week, because it was, how do we communicate this clearly and effectively? How do we let the team have buy in? Because not everybody has vision like I do, not everybody sees like I do. And that’s that is universal. Andrew doesn’t see like I do. He doesn’t have vision like I do. I don’t have vision sight like Andrew has sight, we are all unique in that way. And so the challenge was, how do I communicate clearly what I’m seeing, clearly what the process that needs to happen? And then how do I orientate the whole company? Because I was talking to Andrew’s like, this needs to be a whole company shift to where the whole company has shifted more towards real work now than ever.

How do we shift that? And then, how do I communicate that? And how does that occur? And it was such a good challenging week, because it really forced me to have mindset shift in several areas. One is speed. Two is communicating vision more clearly, not just, Hey, this is where we’re going. This is the type of company we want to build, whatever. And like, for example, like, one of our goals is to build the world’s greatest marketing company. Cool, that’s that’s easy, but how do we separate something that is so valuable, and then how do we make it personal to the team that was the other issue that arose because it’s not just a company wide initiative, this has to matter personally to the team.

And then the real goal is, how do we help them translate this into their lives, to where it actually helps them as human beings and people, whether they stay with us or not, or whether they move on in life? How does it actually how do we better their lives to this, or at least facilitate that opportunity? So those were the questions that came up out of all this. And the point is this, challenges are amazing challenges and risks are two of the most amazing opportunities in front of you at all times.

And I’m way, way over, because this has just been crazy this week with how much thing, how many things have changed and shifted this week within the company.

So Anyways, guys, I hope all some of that makes sense, random tangents today. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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