Ep. 435 – Stop, Step Back, Get Space, and Look At It Differently


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, I actually want to talk about just a practical principle when it comes to problem solving. One of the things that Andrew and I’ve discussed and talked about, he’s a lot closer to the actual execution and operations in the company. I’m further removed, and I’m more focused on strategy and vision and operating that way. And we had a conversation this week that I think is really important to know and learn. And our conversation was more about the partnership, but it surrounded the topic that I’m going to talk about today.

So what I want to talk about is spacing and perspective. Those two things. So perspective is your current orientation of sight towards whatever you’re looking at. So whatever problem it is, whatever solution it is, whatever you’re building, whatever you’re looking at, the relationship issues in the relationship, healthiness in the relationship, how to get promoted, anything like that, whatever you’re looking at. Perspective is your orientation towards that, so how you are positioned?

So if you think about it, if you are looking at a room, you enter a room from one side. That’s your current perspective. You walk all the way to the other side of the room, turn around. That’s a new perspective of this same room. That’s what I’m talking about. Just to give you an analogy, and one of the things we talked about was spacing. So Andrew, we described it. He’s on the front lines in the midst of the fight, going through a lot of things, right? He’s closer to that arena than I am, and as a result, because he’s closer, oftentimes, he’s lacking space to get perspective on problems, to actually create solutions.

And we talked about in our partnership how it’s really important for us to both come together, to have perspective, because he’s got space on a lot of the things I’m working at, because they’re closer to me. So the closer an object is to you, the harder it is to see the big picture or to step backwards. And the principle I want to talk about is having space or, in other words, taking a step back. The point of all this is to take a step back.

So if you’re in the middle of a situation and you have several problems in front of you to solve, and you don’t know how to solve them, it’s important to remove yourself from the problem, step back and get new perspective on the issue at hand. Look at it differently and look at it from multiple angles. The more you’re able to look at it, the better you’re going to be able to come up with creative solutions to solve whatever problem it is, or to remove whatever obstacles in your way. And this is the same for everything.

So for Andrew and I oftentimes, this includes building inside of the company. This includes creating things right, whether it’s new offerings, whether we’re building in a preventative way. Because cool, we know that this has not worked in the past, and so this hasn’t been efficiently what it should be. This is only the solution we have. Currently only performs at 60% whatever it is. Let’s build a better solution to make up for that lack in 40 inefficiency.

So it doesn’t matter quite what it is like whether you’re trying to pursue your dream job and get your dream career, it’s important to step back and analyze the avenues of how you’re going to approach this, right if you’ve ever like, here’s a good analogy of of another good analogy of what I’m trying to say. If you’ve ever had a fly in your house and it just keeps banging its head against the window, but there’s an open door behind it, it’s never going to get through the window. But if it had perspective, if it could turn around and look at it’s a situation, oh, look, there’s a whole nother avenue of escape, and then it would leave.

And oftentimes this is how we get when we’re confronted with problems. We actually get so attached to the problem, so hyper focused on the problem, we actually can’t see the way out of the problem and the solution that has so every problem automatically has solutions to it. That’s what makes it a problem. There’s no such thing as an unsolvable problem, by logic and by the way things are made. And just looking at things like, we have day because we got night, we got night because we’ve got day, right? And all of these other things or sadness and happiness. It’s the same thing problems or solutions on the other side, and oftentimes, to find that solution. It really just takes us a moment to withdraw ourself from the situation, step back, look at it differently, and then, more often than not, we’ll find what we’re looking for.

If what you’re doing currently is not working, then you need to stop, step back and try something radically different. normally, it’s the radically different thing that’s going to help you actually achieve what you’re looking to achieve. And oftentimes, even though it’s radically different, it still makes a lot of sense to do

Anyways, guys, that’s it for today, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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