Ep. 437 – There’s Really No Place To Get To. Learn To Love The Journey


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m Welcome back to five minute rants.

Today,Today guys, I want to discuss and really talk about the end game. And I want to talk about what playing the end game poorly looks like, and what playing it correctly looks like. And this is what I mean by that.

Most people the way that we are looking at life, and the way that we do look at life is what I would call event based, right? We’re playing a finite game when it really should be played as an infinite game, and we’re looking at, like, the event based game that I’m talking about is this, Oh, awesome. I’m going to work hard and then I’m going to get that car, or I’m going to get the job, or I’m going to build the company, or I’m going to make a million dollars, or I’m going to get married, or I’m going to whatever the list is, so on and so on and so on, I’m going to have that achievement.

Oftentimes in life, I’ve personally found that life is at its happiest, and I’m at my happiest when I am loving the journey, not the outcome. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in trying to just achieve the outcome, and then you lose the journey to get there, and it’s interesting, because getting your outcome and having the outcome is not what is super enjoyable. It’s the process. It’s the process of actually achieving it. That is what’s enjoyable.

And if you look back at anything you’ve done in your life that’s been hard, and you tell people about the achievement, you listen to people even tell you about achievements that they’ve had that have been hard. Everybody talks about what they did to get the achievement. And so this is what I’m getting at to really kind of say it very succinctly, there’s really no place to get to in life, like, how do you win at life? How do you win at marriage? How do you win at business? Who’s keeping score? You are great, but nobody’s playing by this universal set of rules to win this way.

And so what at that point matters is, do you love the journey that you are going through in life? Do you love the journey? Are you celebrating the hardships? Do you celebrate the discipline and the practice? my business mentor, one of the first things he told Andrew and I years and years ago, he said, You cannot guarantee winning the Super Bowl, there are two people involved in that, the other team and ourselves, however, you can celebrate the discipline teams that win the Super Bowl. They fumble 25% less whatever the stats are. They score more field goals. They run more touchdowns. They run the ball 25% more per down, whatever it is. You can look at those stats and then practice that, and then you celebrate the discipline, which is the journey, and that will raise the probability of you winning the Super Bowl, but you’re still not guaranteed.

It’s just like marriage. It takes two people to stay married. It’s not just one person’s decision, mine and my wife’s marriage involves both of our decisions to stay married, and it involves both of us work and then we can celebrate the disciplines and the work that’s required to live a healthy marriage and a healthy lifestyle and have that healthy relationship together. It’s the same thing waking up. It’s not the it’s nobody is thinking about who lifts and who exercises hard and is in great physical shape, they’re not, they’re not just being like, Oh yeah, look at this stuff. Yes, they have the achievement. But what matters is I wake up every day and I go to the gym and I work out, or every time I get off work, I’m headed to the gym, I’m tracking my calories I’m eating. And it’s that journey, and it’s celebrating that discipline.

I think it’s so important to really celebrate the discipline and learn to love the discipline. And I’m not talking about cool. You have this strict morning routine, then you’re non operational without it. youou can’t be codependent on routines, life does not work in a routine, it really doesn’t, and having discipline to run things in a scheduled manner, to make decisions that matters, but you’ve got to be able to do both, to where you have the discipline, the structure, but then cool, when curveballs come your way, you have to be able to react right?

It’s just like driving somebody might do something crazy at some point, but if you’re not going to react to that. You’re not going to keep yourself safe in the car and anybody else riding with you. So it’s really celebrating the discipline, and then it’s really celebrating the journey along the way. And it’s also having a this is given to me attitude, like I don’t I don’t have to do this. I get to do this, and then I get to. Learn from whatever’s happening right now, and I get to become better because of it. And it’s not just oh yeah, let me just get out of this, because it sucks right now.

Anyways, just a bunch of different mindsets around this and around the journey in general. Guys, so I’m out of time, guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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