Ep. 438 – Repeating The Lesson Until It’s Learned


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody, welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, I want to talk about a principle in life that creates forward momentum and really will help you get where you need to go. So the definition of insanity is this. It’s trying the same thing, taking the same actions, doing the same thing, ad nauseam, expecting different results.

That being said, there’s a principle, and it’s this, you will not progress in life unless you learn the lesson that you are supposed to currently learn in this moment with the problem at hand or with the success at hand, because you must learn the lessons from both of those. And it’s interesting, because oftentimes we get stuck, especially in business, because we do not learn what’s needed to be learned in order to move forward. So as a result, we just keep repeating the lesson, repeating the lesson.

It’s like going through school. You flunk math. You got to take it over and over and over again until you pass. It’s the same thing, and that same principle happens in life. So for instance, it doesn’t matter whether it’s in a relationship, whether you’re building a business, whether you’re leading a team, whether you’re working a company. This is the same thing. If I want different results in my relationship, I must learn the lessons that need to be learned, and then I must apply them. So proof of learning.

AlexAlex hormozi said this, I really agree with his definition. The proof that you have learned something is when you take action and there’s actionable results that are generated from what you have learned. So it’s like, cool. I have learned. Do not do that. Do not talk to the customer that way in sales. And then the action to show that I’ve learned that is, I stop talking to customers like that when I’m doing sales and negotiating. The proof of learning is, hey, I need processes to be improved over time. That’s something that I’m learning. And then the proof that I’ve learned that lesson is I then begin actually either improving processes as I’m building the company, or institute a team to improve the processes across the company and improve measurement.

So learning, you can see whether you’ve learned something or not by whether you’ve actually practically applied it in your life to move forward. And if you don’t learn something, you are going to continue to repeat the lesson, and then we’re like, why are we stuck? Why can I not move forward? Why does the same situation happen? Why does the same pattern occur over and over and over and over in my life, it’s because we haven’t learned the lesson. I’ve done this, Andrew and I’ve done this.

I’ve seen this happen in my life while building the business and working on the companies in my partnership with Andrew, in relationships, I’ve seen this health wise. I found this health wise cool. Why am I currently on the Get on fat program? How did I get fat? I got fat because I didn’t learn my lesson about eating. I didn’t learn things and I and the moment I learned them is when I began applying things right and moving through all this stuff. And so you can see that, and this really applies everywhere.

Why aren’t you getting promoted at work? Why are you being overlooked? Okay, you haven’t learned your lesson. And there’s, here’s the thing about life, there’s no just like blanket answer. There’s no template answer, a boilerplate answer for anything. There could be multiple reasons. Why aren’t you getting promoted at work? Well, you might not have learned your lesson that you’re working for someplace toxic that doesn’t promote from within. I’ve worked places like that, and it’s like, who doesn’t want to promote from within, people who are toxic and you shouldn’t work for them.

Why am I being overlooked at work and not being promoted? Well, it might be based on performance. It might be based on that there’s not a clear path to promotion, and these are things that you aren’t learning. And it’s interesting, because if you really want to move forward in your life, it really deeply requires knowledge and practical application, and where you are just constantly learning and improving. And it’s not. The thing about this that most people get caught up on is like, what do I learn? It’s so overwhelming. And all these things cool knowledge is going to continue to go on. There’s so many things I don’t know.

Albert Einstein talked about how we as a human race, in society, the whole world knows absolutely nothing. But the point is, is, if you just start, you will see things begin to shift. It’s not so much. Oh, I got to learn all this stuff. Don’t Don’t look at climbing the whole mountain. Just start walking up the path. And when things get hard, you’ll figure it out. When things become clear and easy, you’ll understand what I’m talking about, because it’s just start walking up the path, and then before you know it, you’ll find your way through the woodsoods and at some point. All force end somewhere, somehow, and I think it’s important to know that and to just start the journey.

So anyways, that’s it, guys. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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