Ep. 439 – Facts, Truth, and Other People Can’t Change What You Believe. Only You Can!


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, guys, welcome back to five minute rants. Welcome back to THE a.m. Hope life’s treating you good guys. I’m doing better than I deserve honestly, and life’s really been good.

Anyways, guys, so today I really want to talk about self belief, and I’m going to share a story from when Andrew and I first started work and we ventured out on our own and started this whole journey, or this whole section of our journey. And one of the things that occurred when we first started was this, we did the work, we had the skill sets, and we had the results, and we had all these things that we had done, but we didn’t have self belief.

And it’s interesting because we had all the proof of self belief, and we had all the proof, excuse me, not all the proof of self belief, but we had all the proof and reasoning behind why we should believe in ourselves and why we should believe that what we’re doing is valuable and worthwhile in front of us, but it didn’t change our belief set. It’s interesting because data, knowledge, facts, all of that does not and will not change a belief set. Belief sets do not change until you make a conscious decision to change your belief set.

And it’s super interesting, because at the time, we had clients that were getting results from all of our work, and they loved us. They deeply believed in us, but we still struggled, I guess it’s called imposter syndrome. Correct me if I’m wrong, but we still struggled with believing in ourselves, even though they did. And so there’s all this evidence there that’s pointing to believing in ourselves, and we didn’t do it. It took us a while to overcome and to really look and it also required a lot of honesty and humility on our part, and it required a lot of conversations between me and him as well to be honest and have the humility to go, No, we’re wrong. We’re wrong for not believing in ourselves. We’re wrong for not putting faith in ourselves.

And here’s the thing about believing in yourself, and here’s the thing about validation. It does not matter how many people validate you. It does not matter how many people believe in you. It does not matter how many people love you. If you don’t choose to validate yourself and believe that you’re validated, if you don’t choose to believe in yourself, and if you don’t choose to love yourself, no matter what’s coming in from the outside, it will never change what’s going on inside of you. Those are your decisions, and it’s your decisions to change those things. And yes, there are a lot of actions. There’s a lot of achievements and work in life that helps facilitate you making these decisions. But at the end day, it’s still a decision to really believe in yourself and to really overcome whatever it is in your life that has spurred self Doubt or unbelief, that you are capable of doing whatever you are setting out to do,

This is the process that Andrew and I went through. And it’s interesting as we’ve walked through it, and how things have changed over the years. And it’s interesting that you can see a direct correlation with the company, how the company has been run, how the company’s grown, our client base, and all these other factors that have come in. You can see them all change as we’ve changed and as the belief set has changed. And I’m I’m saying this because whatever it is that you’re setting out to do, you’ve got to believe that you can do it.

It doesn’t mean that you have all the skill sets. It doesn’t mean that you have all the knowledge or are going to make all the right decisions. That’s not what self belief means, but it does mean that you are able to do it. It’s just going to take some grit. You can ride the bike. You’re going to fall off the bike. You’ve only had training wheels on so far, but the moment you take them off, and you take the security parameters off, you can do it. It’s just going to take grit, hard work and a really, really, really, big dose of humility to be wrong and learn, true humilityhumility will always produce learning at the end of failure.

If you really have humility, there will be learning and education that occurs at every moment of failure and every moment moment of success, and even neutrality in your life, where you don’t do either of those. And so it just requires that upfront, and then you’re going to do whatever you want. You want to go after the dream job. You want to get the skill sets, you want to learn that that life set cool, go out, do it. You can do it. You’re not going to have all the right answers, but you can do it, as long as you’ve got some grit to follow through, really just to believe in yourself and set out on that adventure.

And I think it’s I think it’s so important, especially when you have dreams or goals that you want to accomplish, just start. If you just start down the path, you will watch things change. One of our friends in business, one of the things he said was, if I don’t start now, I know that I’m going to regret not even at least. Trying later, and that’s what helped me get my foot out the door. And I think that’s really great advice. And so it’s at least worth trying.

And oftentimes you can try with minimal risk, because you got some weekends, if you’re still at a job and you want to start something, it might require you giving up some weekends, but just think about it.

Anyways, guys, I’m over, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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