Ep. 442 – You Have To Know Your Starting Line and Finish Line


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, guys, welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, guys, I want to talk about goals. I want to talk about dreams, and I want to talk about the initial first step for how to get there. So it doesn’t matter where you are. I currently still use this process in business. Andrew and I use this process a lot. But what we’ll have is, hey, this is our vision for our next steps. Here’s where we’re moving in the company. That’s where we currently this is where we currently want to go. This is what we currently want to build, and this is what we’re doing. And our immediate next step is what we call current standing framework. And it’s essentially this we ask currently, where are we today? Describe it. What resources do we have available to ourselves? What decisions are in front of us? What are any current fires? What are any current needs that we’re trying to accomplish, and what are the goals? And then we we pretty much take inventory or stock of where we are currently, today.

Now, if you’re thinking about starting something new and you want to step out on your own, you want to start a venture, whatever it is go through that process, take account of everything. All right, this is where I’m at. Here’s what resources I have available to me. And resources include finances. They include money. They include I said that twice, but they include finances. They include people, they include tools, they include technology, anything like that. And so you write down all of that, and you make a list, and you make a stock of where you’re at, and you make pretty much a bill of materials. What do I have to work with? And here’s my dream, and how do I begin moving towards my dream with what I currently have to work with?

And then you can also see, is there anything I need to add do into my resource bucket? Is there anything I need to add into that bucket that will help me get where I want to go faster? And the reason for this is life works very simply in two ways. Anytime you want to go someplace, you got to know, first, where you want to go, and then second, you got to know where you’re starting from.

Now most people don’t think about where they’re starting from, because you’re already there. So you don’t consider it right, unless you’re trying to plan out a trip from, like, say, rather than your office your house, down to the beach or into the mountains or to the lake or wherever you go. Then you think about your starting location. But more often than not, you never think about your starting location. And this is actually one of the reasons why a lot of people can’t get started because they don’t know where they’re leaving from.

Now, when you’re dealing with dreams and goals, it’s really intangible. It’s really in your mind. It’s not something you can just like, pick up and touch and things like that. You can’t just walk to that. You have to think about it. And so having it written down gives you clarity. Most of the time, why we are uncertain. I mean, most of the time when we have uncertainty, there’s fear, there’s anxiety, there’s, I don’t know, there’s unbelief that we can actually do it, but most of the time when we begin writing it down on paper, all of a sudden there’s clarity, and then a lot of that stuff dissipates.

So if you’re thinking about starting something new, or you’re trying to create a new revenue stream for the company, or you are in charge of leading a new sales venture, or you’re in charge of launching a new marketing channel, okay, write down your current standing. Have a stock and an inventory of things if you’re thinking about starting your own company like from scratch, okay, write down current standing. What do you have available?

That’s how Andrew and I started. We said, We don’t want to have debt. What do we have in our hands that we’re able to actually start a company to generate revenue? Our first goal is revenue generation, not even profitability. Revenue generation. You don’t need to worry about trying to be profitable. If you’re not even generating revenue, you need to generate revenue, and then you can figure out profitability. Later it will come, but you’re never going to be able to figure out profitability if you’re not even generating revenue, you got to just take things in steps. That’s like trying to take Step 10 of your journey, but you’ve never even taken step one. You can’t go to 10. You can’t skip it. It’s not like a grade in school.

Anyways, I digress. The point is is you got to know where you’re at. You need to know the stock of your current situation. And then that allows you then to be creative and very ingenuitive with the pieces you do have to build, what you need to get momentum and to move forward. And it doesn’t matter where you are.

Andrew and I still do this. We’ve been in the game for a while. We’ve been in the game for a hot minute, and we still do this. We still go through, okay, what is our current standing? What is our current standing? And it’s grown because there’s a lot more things that go in that list now, and this is going to be bigger predicated on how big you are currently versus how small you are, but know where you’re going, so right out where you want to get, get to, and then also start drafting out where you are currently, and it will give you a lot of clarity to move forward.

Anyways, guys, I’m out of time, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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