Ep. 449 – Do What You Know


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody, what’s up, what’s up, what’s up. Welcome back to THE a.m a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, guys, I actually want to start by talking about starting a business or stepping out into your next stage in life. And it really starts with this two things. If you’re thinking about starting your own thing and you don’t know what to do, start with what you know. It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter if it’s not a great industry yet. It doesn’t matter you don’t know if you’ve never done this before, you don’t know enough in order to go down the path well and actually be able to know, hey, what’s great about this, what’s not instead, you just need momentum.

And if you get down the path far enough, and then you start realizing, hey, this actually isn’t a great industry for me to be in. Guess what you can do switch. It’s that easy. Most people believe. We have this core belief, and I don’t know why, but we have this core belief that whatever I do set in stone and it’s unchangeable. Once I do it, I can never change it. And that’s just a belief set and that should change. It’s so easy to see if I make a decision and it’s a poor decision. The only thing it takes me, the only thing that stops me from from, you know, stopping that decision, is just me. That’s it, my choice. Oh, yeah, let’s not do this anymore. And then, more often than not, you can actually backtrack and reverse the decision and stop the things from happening, right?

It’s like, hey, there’s, it’s not as simple as this, but there’s a control Z button, an undo button in life, in a lot of ways. Sure, it doesn’t mean that everything you’ve done is erased and forgotten. However, it does mean that you can rectify whatever you just decided to do. And so that being said is, if you’re looking to do the next thing, like you want to get promoted, you want your dream job, just do it. Do what you know, apply for those things. Step out of your comfort zone and just ship it and start going down the path the I think the worst thing to live with in life is I regret at least not trying. Why didn’t I do it? And because if you try and it doesn’t work out, at least you know, and you have the surety of knowing, versus you lie in bed and you’re in hospice somewhere being taken care of. I mean, I hope that’s, I don’t think. I hope nobody ends up that way, but you just you’re old and and, man, I wonder what would have happened if I just tried. I wonder if I could have gotten that job. I wonder if I could have gotten that promotion.

And I’m telling you you’re worth getting the promotion for. It’s just you deciding to believe whether you’re worth it, and if you are, do it and do what you know. Like, you don’t have to go crazy off the walls. Like, let me just try something radically different and new, and if you need to do that too, like, cool. You don’t like what you do, okay, shift gears. Do a hard 180 and part of figuring out what you want to do in life is half of it is knowing what you don’t want to do. Half of it is knowing what you don’t like, and that’s half of it, right? It when you’re choosing between chocolate and vanilla ice cream, well, I don’t like chocolate cool, then you already got your answer. You don’t even have to know what you want. You just know what you don’t want, and that’s half of it. I don’t want chocolate. Okay, well, then I guess you’re getting vanilla, and it’s that easy.

And so I’m saying all of this because it is so important to just do those next steps in life. It is really important. And then it’s it’s as simple as cool. If you’re not too sure what to do, just start with what you know, and go from there, start with what you know and what’s available to you, and then make those steps, whether you want to build your own business, whether you’re just trying to change industries, whether you’re trying to create a new revenue stream in a company, whether you’re leading a team of people, whether you’re trying to get a promotion, whether you’re even trying to start a relationship cool, it’s a great way to Just start and then to to really just take a swing at life.

There’s so many things in my life where I was younger and looking back and being like, Man, I wish I swung at that. Why didn’t I just take a swing and then I could have seen what would have happened and what would have come out of life. And I think it’s interesting, because we get trapped in, hey, there’s a right way to do it? No, there are good ways to do something, but there’s really no right way, because we’re in an imperfect world. And when you’re in an imperfect world, how in the world do you expect something to become perfect? How does imperfection ever make perfection? And so there’s no best way, like right way to do it, but there are really good ways, and what the goal in in life is to find the best way to do something that you currently can actually accomplish and do right.

Apple’s best way of leading the company and doing r, d and all this is not the best way for Andrew and I to do it currently. Those are radically two different things. We’re in radically two different places as companies, and their best way is going to be the worst wayway for me, we need to have the best way for us.

So anyways, I’m just saying that to help maybe give you guys a push out the door in the direction you need to go. Don’t live with regret, at least take a swing at it and then walk, walk it out and then just see what’s gonna happen.

Anyways, guys, I’m over time as normal. Peace. Guys.

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