Ep. 455 – Everything You Need To Start


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Episode Transcript

What’s up guys? welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So today, guys, I actually wanted to talk about self worth, and I wanted to talk about from an aspect of this first whatever you’re about to start on, whatever your dreams and your goals are, you need to know that you’re worth trying to achieve them. Andrew and I, when we first started the company and the business, we set out to have better lives. So we had certain dreams. We had things that we want to achieve. We wanted to make a difference. We wanted to create opportunities for people to have a better life. There were things that we wanted to build.

And a part of our journey was really just walking through the process of knowing that we are worth doing whatever we’re trying to do. And I’m saying that because oftentimes, before we actually start the journey that matters most to us, we go through this whole process of trying to convince ourself that we’re worth it and that we actually are able to do it right now. And part of that process is even like, well, I don’t have the skills I need to learn these skills before I can start, or I don’t have all the equipment I need, so I need to go out and buy equipment.

And it’s so important to know that who you are right now and what you have available to you right now is all that you need to start and that you’re worth starting now. Cool. Your skills may not be the end all and be all, but when Steve Jobs started Apple, Apple didn’t look anything like it did today, and even when Steve Jobs passed away, Apple still didn’t look like what it did today. Neither did Google. When the founder started Google, or when Jeff Bezos started Amazon, or any other person who started life, their life never looked like what it looks like today without them starting.

And so I’m saying all that so that if you are thinking about starting, if you’re thinking about just going out there to achieve whatever goal it is, the dream job, the relationship, the entrepreneurial journey, whatever it is that you are trying to begin, it’s so important to know that you are good enough right now, and what you have is good enough to start, and you are worth starting for to really understand that cool your life is worth trying something different and worth running after the things that you want to accomplish.

It’s so important to know that, versus going through the whole cycle of well, we don’t have this. We don’t have that. What about our skill sets? Are we good enough for this? That’s one of the things that kept Andrew and I from actually appropriately charging for the services we offered. And then as we got down on the journey and as we continue moving forward, one of our founding principles became our values greater than our price. And it’s true, and I think it’s true for anybody who’s about to start something cool. You may not be the rocket scientist you need to be, but you know what? If you want to work at NASA, you’re worth starting right now to do whatever that journey is, whatever that process is, no matter how old you are or how young you are, that’s what you want to do. You’re worth starting it.

And then you have everything you need right now to start, you may not have everything you need to end up at the final destination in the final goal of that journey, however, along the way, is where you’re going to pick up all the items that you need, you’re going to pick up all the skills you need, you’re going to pick up all the relationships you need, you’re going to pick up all of the ideas that you need. You’re going to pick up all the work ethic you need. You’re going to pick up all the self discipline you need along the journey.

However, if you do not start the journey, and here’s the key, if you do not start, you’re not going to pick up any of the items that are down that path for you to get going and to get moving forward. You’re not going to pick up any of the things that you need to actually succeed and accomplish the dream. If you’re not headed towards the dream, you’re not going to pick up the things that you need to actually have it and to actually accomplish it. And I’m saying all of this again, because I think starting is one of the hardest points, especially if you are not a starter. And by that, I mean you are a slow starter. There’s millions of reasons why you shouldn’t do it, versus the one or two reasons of why you should, and the one or two reasons why you should should always outweigh the millions that you shouldn’t.

And if you’re facing risk, instead of looking at as danger, and instead of looking at as a problem, you need to look at risk as an opportunity, and you need to see that it’s actually not as risky as you think it is. There are ways to start where you are not just going to ruin your life if you fall flat on your face right out the gate. It’s really true.

And so I’m saying all that, and I hope this helps you move. I hope this helps you get out the door and put your foot out the door, because who you are today is exactly who you need to be to begin. And everything that you have available to you is exactly all the skills and all the tools that you need to begin and so.

Anyways, guys, I won’t have time. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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