Episode Transcript
Hey guys, so today I’m gonna talk about the biggest lie ever told, or at least one of them.
And before I get into this, one of the things that I the way I stumbled upon this was I was listening to a podcast. I don’t remember who it was by, but one of the things I would wrote down in my notes was the biggest lie that’s ever been told is it’s not that simple, and that deeply resonated with me. And the reason why is because that is a huge lie. It’s not that simple. And it’s like, yes, it really is. Life is really that simple.
The simplicity of life is amazing, and it’s interesting, because everything that we’re afraid of seems to be complex and hard, and then when you get down to the root of it, it’s really not scary, and it’s really easy and and to give you a story of this, as Andrew and I were growing our team, neither one of us had grown a team before, and he was like, Man, I’m I’m just afraid of all these things. We don’t know how to do it and every time. And one of our notifications to ourselves internally is anytime that we don’t want to do something, we tend to use the word how? Well, how do I do it? And that’s just, that’s an identifier of, like, No, I actually don’t want to do this. I’m not willing to do this, and I need to actually stop and think about what I’m doing and why and if I actually am going to move forward in this.
So anyways, Andrew was like, how do we do this? And it’s like, it doesn’t matter how we just start. We just start doing it, and then we’ll figure it out as we go, because we’re obviously not experienced enough to know all the ins and outs of how this is going to work. And so what’s the best way to do it? Well, you just start. It’s like, how do you learn to drive? You get in a car, you have a little bit of instruction up front, some pre thinking, hey, this is what a brake is? This what a gas pedal is? That’s what steering wheel is, right? And then you just get in a car, and then you go over all that stuff again, break gas, or at least for me, I include clutch, right? And then you drive.
And that was how everybody learns to drive, just about right? You have some educational content. Cool. You got educational content all over there, for just about any topic, subject you want to learn. And then the next step is to do it. And at first it seems crazy, complicated. I’m never going to be able to do this. I’m never going to be able to drive. I’m never going to be able to there’s fear, there’s all this stuff. But before you know it, guess what you’re driving? And then before you know that, guess what you’re getting your license, because you’re taking your learner’s permit license, and then you got your permit, and now you’re on the road.
And it’s amazing how everything works, like that. Oh, I’ve never done this before. Okay, hands on learning. Let’s go. The best way to learn is hands on. That’s the best way to learn anything is hands on. And most things like technical skills and applications that are high high focus and high skill set jobs like heart surgery. Guess what you do? You shadow you have all your education up front, but reading a book is not going to give you the experience you need to actually perform the heart operation. So guess what? They read the book and then guess what they got to do? They got to go shadow somebody and actually perform the operation. That’s how it works.
And that applies to everything in my college job growing up, I would valet and park cars, and one of the ways that we trained guys was where they called shadowing, and they would literally hop in the passenger seat in the main valet, would just drive and park the car so they could watch everything done, because it’s not as simple as just throwing it in a spot believe it or not, as I’m talking about simplicity, it is. But what I’m saying is, there’s a system you got to learn some stuff. It’s really simple, though, but the point is is, like they all learned through shadowing, learn by just being there and getting hands on.
And then you switch roles. The valet rides in the passenger seat, and then the trainee he drives, and parts of the car in the val is helping him watch for all the stuff. So it’s amazing how everything in life seems to boil down to getting hands on experience. So just beginning the process, and if you just begin the journey, all of a sudden, all these things are going to become very clear.
If you’re lacking clarity, one of two things is happening. If you lack clarity, you either lack experience or you don’t see the path in which you should take. In other words, it’s a decision making path, right? You don’t see the path that you need to take in order to actually come out of the situation. So you have like, three or four options, and you don’t know the best one to take. That’s one reason why you have lack of clarity, but the other is you just simply haven’t started.
You haven’t started what you should do, and you haven’t started and begun the journey of hands on experience. And so again, going back to the biggest lie, that it’s not that simple. It really is, and life is way more simple than you think it is.
We just like to make things complicated so we can run away. And I’ll be the first to raise my hand and say I’ve done that. Anyways, guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace.