Episode Transcript.
What’s up, guys, welcome back to THE a.m.
So I want to talk about a mindset that I think is really important to have. I want to talk about I can. I think it is so important to have I Can mindset, which is this, I can do that, whatever comes your way, whatever obstacle, whatever challenge, comes your way, the first response, really, when you have a healthy mindset, and when you really have a really good place in your heart, where you really believe in yourself, is, I can do that.
Now, the problem where most people get caught up is most people, and there’s three types of thinking. You have large, medium and small, okay, three types of thinking and three types of belief sets, and small by this, I mean, like detailed oriented. So very technical, very detailed oriented. You are a master engineer, you know, math and physics, inside and out, and all these other things right. Now, then you have large, which is a broader picture of the mountain. And if you picture a mountain, and I think this would actually be a better analogy, you picture a mountain, you have three different perspectives. You have the mountain from a mile away. You have the mountain from, you know, a couple 100 feet away, and then you have the mountain on the trail, where you just see the woods and trees.
And it’s interesting because when you just see the woods and trees, that’s when it gets the hardest when you’re in the technical because it’s like, oh my gosh, I don’t understand what the rest of the hike looks like. I understand. And so it’s interesting because the details actually keep you from having an I can mentality, because you’ve got to know all the details and all the pieces. And as I’ve come out from being more technical, and I’ve actually watched other people in their journey in life go from really being highly technically driven to actually having larger vision and helping lead people, I’ve watched this when they become that person who leads people, and they catch more vision, all of a sudden, the mentality and the belief set that they can, begins to shift.
You start seeing that you can do this. And what you come to realize is this I can doesn’t mean that I know all the technical details for how to do it. It doesn’t mean that I know the perfect way to do it. Doesn’t mean that I even know how other people have done the same thing that I’m about to embark on. But what it does mean is I have a self belief that I am able to think and figure out exactly what I need to do, exactly what needs to happen in order to scale that mountain or overcome the obstacle.
The other thing about that is is when you challenges are presented in front of you, you start looking and seeing and actually believing that they’re opportunities, that the challenges make you sharper, the challenges better you. The challenges actually help you become the person you need to do and need, excuse me, help you become the person you need to become in order to accomplish the things that you need to accomplish in life. And those are really healthy mindsets.
Now here’s the thing about the I Can mindset, and here’s the thing where a lot of people actually get hurt. Here’s is you start becoming so self reliant, you don’t have a team, you don’t have people, and you’re an isolation. ‘s because, well, I can do that doesn’t mean you should do it. I can is a belief set you have for when hard things come your way, or when you’re looking at your dreams and you want to accomplish something I can becomes unhealthy when it is you doing all the work, you’re the best person for the work, and nobody’s gonna be able to do it like you. Well, you know what? Having somebody do 70-80% of the work to the quality that I could and I get 100% of my time back, is way better than me doing 100% of the work and then leaving out 100% of something else that I should be doing.
Me doubling my time, me tripling my time is way better. And the real thing is, too is if you know how to lead, you know how to build processes, whoever you are leading, you’ll be able to get the same quality out of them that you would have required from yourself. You’ll be able to do it. And if you aren’t able to do it, it’s actually a result of your poor leadership, and it’s a result of you not being able to build the things you need to build. This is important. This is so important to know. And this is actually having that I can mentality be healthy, to see where it hurts you, to see where things are wrong, where you become isolationistic and dependent on yourself in a very bad way but at the same time, if you are on the other side of I can’t, you need this.
If often times when hard things come up in your life, and the first thing that you think about is, I can’t. I don’t know if I can do that. And I can’t, often times comes out as I don’t know. Is that possible? Can I do that and question you, question yourself. You question your ability. Versus, just a firm heart position of, I know I can do this, and this isn’t going to be a problem. And you need the healthiness. This is really for you. You need the healthiness of, no, I can do it. You’re just as capable as anybody else. Cool, you may be behind. And skill set or learning, you’re able to do that, if you really want to do that, and you put forth the effort you you are able to do the things that you need to do that are necessary in life.
Anyways, guys, I’m out of time, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.