Ep. 497 – Got Feedback


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Episode Transcript

So guys, today I want to talk about feedback and critique, and I really want to talk about why it is so important that you actually love feedback.

It is one of the most important things in your life. You cannot learn without feedback. If you lack feedback in your life, if you lack instruction in your life. If you lack correction in your life, you’re not going to improve the way you want to. And if you have friends who are telling you, hey, everything’s great, oh no, it’s their problem. And they’re pointing the finger elsewhere. They’re always pointing the finger like, oh yeah, no, it’s them. It’s that no, it’s that job that didn’t want you, right? You applied for a job and didn’t get the position you wanted. All of that is actually self destructive. It is keeping you stuck because you’re not actually changing and learning.

It’s so important to have good friends in your life. It is so important to have people in your life that actually tell you the truth. One of the things that I personally believe is that people love you when they tell you the truth. I don’t think you can have love without truth. And I’m saying this because it is very easy to mistake feedback for negativity.

It’s very easy to to mistake criticism for negativity, or instruction or critique, versus it is actually positive. It’s the inverse. If you gloss over things in your life, you gloss over what you’re doing. You gloss over and think, Oh yeah, it’s just great. Everything’s amazing in my life. And you don’t actually have real feedback of where you need to improve, you’re gonna get stuck, and then you’re gonna feel stuck, and then, if you are not actively looking for feedback to tell you why you’re stuck, and you’re gonna have, you’re gonna have correction about why you’re stuck.

Why am I here? Why am I doing the things that I’m doing? Why can I see to break out of the cycle? The only way out of that is wrong. So when you get into that stuck cycle, the only way out is to actually have critique and be told you’re wrong. But what happens is, when we get there, we’ve already been avoiding it. So it’s actually a lot harder to receive because we’ve already been avoiding it.

I think this is so important for so many people, because the moment you get stuck, you need more feedback in your life. You need more correction in your life. You need somebody to tell you what you’re doing wrong so you stop repeating the same pattern, the same cycle. I think also it is really important to note and to really just know you are not going to be able to learn anything without feedback.

So if you are thinking about accomplishing a goal, and a part of accomplishing that goal, you’ve got to learn and grow and improve. You’re not going to be able to learn without having feedback. See what learning does is it actually challenges things that we currently know or currently believe, and then it forces us to look from a different perspective in order to move forward.

And oftentimes, part of learning process is being wrong. If you look how children grow up, right, you look how babies and toddlers grow up, they are constantly experiencing wrong, oh, I’m wrong. Oh, that’s not how you do this. How do I do that? How do I put this block into this hole? How do I do that? And they’re constantly figuring things out because they don’t know how to do anything.

However, that’s how they learn. And if you look at the development ‘s of those children versus adults, and the learning curve and how their brains develop. It’s interesting how the the old saying comes to mind you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And so it’s interesting how that curve with children developing versus older people, adults and things like that, they have a harder time learning simply because I don’t think they want to be wrong. Now that’s that’s just my theory.

However, I think if you’re willing to be wrong, the door to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish open so wide you can do whatever you want at that point, but you can’t go through that door. And the key to that door is humility and the willingness to be wrong. The problem is a lot of us think that we’re willing to be wrong, but we’re really not see if you’re willing to be wrong, it’s going to be shown through your actions, and it’s going to be shown through how you take critique and then the actions and results that are produced from that critique.

And I’m not saying that you need to take advice from everybody. I’m not saying that you need to have somebody just tell you exactly what to do in your life. I’m not saying that, but what I am saying is you have to be willing to say maybe the way out is to stop doing what I’m doing and I’m wrong, and I need feedback to tell me where and when you do that that cycle will break whatever you’re looking for to do in life and to accomplish that’s going to break and that’s going to stop.

And it’s so important to know that in order to escape from where you’re currently at, if you’re stuck, you need feedback. In order to move forward and to achieve your goals and your dreams, you got to be wrong and you got to be okay with being messy.

The best execution is messy execution, because at least you’ve done something, you can have immediate feedback, and then you can improve. The worst execution is when you spend two or three weeks planning, a month planning, planning, to get it perfect. Now, depending on the size of project or whatever you’re trying to accomplish, may take more, but then you spend all this time in planning, and then you launch, and then you have feedback, but you could have had the same feedback three or four months ago.

Anyways, guys, I’m way over. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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