Episode Transcript
What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys.
So I’m going to talk a little bit more personally about me, and I think this will help a lot of people. I think it will help really kind of guide some people here listening to better understand themselves, and then also better understand how they operate.
So a few things. Just to give some context, you must know who you are, how you operate, how you think, how you act, what your responses are that are normal, how you process things. You’ve got to know yourself. It’s interesting, because one of the most important people to know is you. And often times, people don’t even know themselves very well, much less others. And if you haven’t gone on the journey to really discover who you are, you need to and I’d recommend starting that journey today, because it is one of the longest journeys that you will ever embark on, and also one of the most gratifying journeys that could occur in your life.
I also think that most of us believe we’re self aware when we’re really not. So this ties into self awareness. There’s a TED talk. I was listening to a woman who was talking about a study of self awareness, and she brought up, I think it was like 75- 80% of people believe they’re self aware, but only like 25 to 20, somewhere in there, very small amount of people actually are. And I think it’s important to actually know whether you are self aware or not. And I’m saying all that just to give some context, because in order to really be productive, in order to produce value. So I’ve talked about those two types of intrinsic I mean, I’ve talked about those two types of values, right? You have intrinsic value what you’re born with, you’re you’re valuable as a person, human being. And the second type is, do you produce something that is valuable, that adds to society and those around you, those are the two types of value.
And what I’m talking about is how you produce, and are you able to produce is really predicated on you knowing who you are. You’ve got to know your strengths, you got to know your weaknesses, you got to know how you operate. And I’m saying all of this to set the stage for this next statement. I personally, if I don’t believe that the work I’m doing is valuable and ends and adds towards us getting closer so ends or adds to us getting closer to the long term vision, I don’t want to do the work. There’s zero motivation in my life.
Now here’s why I’m saying that, because if I don’t believe that the work I’m doing is going to get me closer to the goal, or going to add value and allow us to get there quicker. I don’t want to do it, and I will avoid doing it. And you’re like, Well, why is that a problem? Because if it doesn’t add value, it doesn’t matter. Okay? Just because I believe it doesn’t add value doesn’t actually mean that’s a true statement, right? So Andrew, oftentimes when we talk, there’s work that needs to be done and completed, but I will feel zero motivation towards completing it, because I don’t have the same sight he does for how this connects to the big picture, interesting, right? He sees how this connects a long term goal. He sees how this connects to our objective. I don’t have that same lane of sight, and that way, the way he does, and I don’t make that same connection. Then guess who doesn’t want to do this very vital piece of work? me. And then guess what kicks in? Oh, I gotta have extra self discipline to do this. I’ve really got to grind and and sit down. And by grind, I mean, like, no, let me just go through the motions of getting this out and getting my heart aligned with the vision, and saying that this is a worthwhile and believing it ‘s worthwhile.
I’m not abnormal. Every one of us has something like this, and we have areas in our lives where this operates. The difference is, are you aware of it, and do you know that you do these things? That is one of my biggest journeys, and even to this day, constantly reflecting to understand who I am and how I operate and why I do the way I do things, like I have a very strong mentor in my life, and he talks about, we’re going to find out, you know, as you go down this journey, what really makes you tick deep down inside, and it’s like, that’s so true, and he’s a close friend. He’s really a father figure in my life.
And one of the things that we’ve talked about is that and you’ve got to know what makes you tick and why you do what you do, and you you have to know this stuff. It’s not it cool. You can forget about and play it off. But if you’re really looking to build something worthwhile in life, this is the journey, right? This is the journey. One of my other mentors, business mentor that we talk about, he talks about one hit wonders, where a lot of guys, they built successful businesses, and they rode out a wave, but they could never repeat it, because they don’t know who they are, and they don’t know how they did it. It just happened they were in the right time at the right place, and all these things fell into place, and they’re not repeatable.
I don’t want to be one of those people. I want to learn it to where I can repeat what I’m doing, and I can avoid the pitfalls and traps, mistakes, and I know what’s happening.
So anyways, guys, that’s all I’ve got. I’ll catch you later. Peace.