Episode Transcript.
What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys.
So today I want to talk about, well, it’s always been done that way, and I was just recently talking to a friend in business, and we are just talking about business that is still sending out mail via stamps for a primary form of communication. They’re really stuck in a lot of archaic processes, right? And they’re really stuck in a lot of inefficient ways
And you run into this a lot in life, just in general, and it often comes from the mindset of, well, we’ve always done it this way, so why would we change it? It’s worked. Why would we change it? And it’s interesting, because that’s the way a lot of stuff in life continues to happen, right?
For instance, like our roads and our car width are, they’re based off Roman road levels and carriage levels for the ruts and the roads. I listen to Dan Martel podcast, and one of the things he was talking about is that people cut the ends off roats today, whereas before, they did it because their ovens were too small to fit the roast in. Now I’m saying all of this because I think that it’s crazy to really be stuck in the mindset of, well, we’ve always done it this way, and it’s interesting, because when we are in that mindset, we actually don’t move anything forward. We immediately pause creativity, we immediately pause critical thinking, we immediately pause all other options out there that allow us to move forward and succeed, and we do this naturally.
Why do you do the things the way that you do now? Well, you were raised that way. Well, the school system taught us to do this way. The school system told us everything to do, and we never had to figure things out on our own. And so as a result, we’re really dependent on people to give us checklist of what to do, right? Crazy. Well, we’ve always done it that way, and I’m not saying to rebel against social norms, and I’m not saying to go out there and be crazy, but what I am saying is to begin breaking away from the we’ve always done it that way, and to begin actually moving away from that mindset and stopping and pausing to critically think.
See, the bigger problem with this is there’s no critical thinking. If I do this, what will happen? What do I want to have happen? And what are the things that I don’t want to have happen? What are the unintended and the intended consequences of my actions, and what is going to be the result of those actions? And because we don’t critically think, and because we are stuck, we wonder oftentimes why we aren’t at where we want to be in life, right? And we wonder why we can’t seem to solve problems.
It’s interesting because a lot of people over the years have talked to Andrew and I, and have been like, you guys are solution people. And if you don’t know the way out right off hand. You’ll normally figure one out or find a way out of it, like we’ve been told this by a lot of clients we’ve worked with. We’ve been told this by a lot of friends, and the reason why is because we’re not stuck on Well, we’ve always done it that way because see when you’re stuck on that and when you’re constantly cutting the ends off the roast, because that’s the way your grandma did, and you have an oven that will actually fit the whole roast. You don’t need to cut the ends off anymore. But when you’re stuck in that, you don’t you don’t pause and think and go, Why are we doing that? Maybe this is a way to do what we’re doing. However, there’s got to be more ways, and there’s got to be different paths forward.
It’s interesting because we get stuck on single path mindedness, where this there’s only one way to do this. We can’t do it any other way. It has to be done this way. And as a result, that’s when most things break. When we personally believe that all things must be done this way. You actually see this. I’ve talked a lot about it with perfection and with over planning. You see this happen all the time with over planning, because, well, we must be perfect. We must have the total complete in Project perfect before moving forward. And that’s actually what keeps you stuck and broken.
And that actually results in you not completing any project or achieving any goal at all, because you’re stuck in the single path forward mindset. And so I’m saying all this hopefully for everybody to just kind of hear and they begin self assessing, going, cool, why have I done it? Why have I done it, and why am I doing it this way? Is it something that I just started doing because it’s what my parents taught me, what school taught me, the last job I worked at taught me, or is it because I’ve actually sat down and thought and had agency on my own.
And oftentimes, when you’re in a rut with stuff, the best thing to do is step away. Because normally, when you’re in a rut trying to figure out a problem, you continue to come back to the same solution. That’s not a solution. It doesn’t work. Well, it should work, cool, but if it really worked, you wouldn’t be here trying to figure out the problem.
So if it’s not working, try something else. Step. Away and figure out something else, right?
So anyways, guys, that’s it for today. I’ll catch you later. Peace.