Ep. 519 – Backing Up To Move Forward


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Episode Transcript.

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys.

So today I’m gonna talk about backing up to go forward. And I’m saying this because Andrew and I are currently in the process of building out just another side of the business, and we’re building out another department, and we’re really focusing on building out just our sales department, and really building that side of the company out.

And I’m bringing this up because one of the things that we’ve had to do is actually go backwards to move forward. And what I mean by that is this, it seems, at first glance, that cool, we’ve got to become more involved, right, at a more detailed level, in a more technical level, to help develop and actually systematize some of the things that we’re doing, because we’re adding a whole new channel, right? And we are adding, as we’re adding a channel, one of the things that we’ve had to do is cool. We’ve got to get closer down there and take closer looks and actually monitor more closely.

Well, at first glance, it seems like cool. We’re moving backwards to improve, and the reason why is because Andrew and I are more removed from the machine than we ever have been. And so it seems like we’re taking steps backwards to move forward. Well, here’s here’s the thing. That’s exactly what we’re doing. What I just said, We gotta go backwards to move forward. We have to step back and then actually begin the changes and implement the changes that are needed in order to move forward.

And this is how a lot of life works. Okay, it is often times, and I brought this up before, sometimes a solution that you’re actually focused on and you’re consumed with, but it’s not producing results, isn’t a solution, and you need to let go of it. And oftentimes the way forward is counter intuitive, and that’s why, oftentimes, a lot of business really is very hard for people, because a lot of the things are counter intuitive that you have to do, and the things that you have to actually conceptualize and think about, and the reason why they’re counterintuitive, because we are not brought up to actually think this way.

I think if there was a change in education, if there was a change in culture and society, there would be a lot more business would be a lot easier in a lot of ways. But because the way that culture works, it seems counter intuitive a lot of ways. And so this is how a lot of things are in life. Oftentimes you get farther than you need to be, and you have to pause and back up and actually take a moment to step back.

Another way to look at this is, I was just talking with a team member. They’re helping improve some processes, okay? And I was talking to them, and I was like, Hey, you actually just need to take a break. We’re stuck. You’re stuck, and the solution isn’t really at hand, and you need to just step away for a moment and just step away for a couple days do any other work, but this, and the reason why is because it will create freshness, and it will help them have a fresh set of eyes to do the work and to critically think through the process. That’s counter intuitive, that seems like it’s going backwards, to move forwards, however, it’s the way forward.

And I’ve given this analogy before Well, at least I think I have. I might not have had it on the podcast, but I’ve definitely talked to the team about this. One of my music teachers used to say, Cool, you’ve practiced really hard. You need to stop, and you need to have a break, and you need to have rest, and you need to walk away from this. You don’t need to practice anything. You don’t need to have any of it. It’s in your muscle memory, but you can’t seem to get the piece down because you’re over practicing. And that happens so much.

And it’s so important to just be able to step away from stuff, to have a different viewpoint. It’s so important to be able to humble yourself and go back be like, cool, I’ve got to get more involved than I want to. And it’s so important to be able to actually do the things that you need to do that seem counter intuitive to move you forward in life. It’s interesting because humility is really counter intuitive to a lot of people, and it seems like going backwards when you’re humbling yourself, and is actually the way forward. Humility is such key to be able to move forward and just relationship business, humility is such a important factor of life to be able to move forward. But it’s really counterintuitive a lot of people, because all of a sudden you’re not posturing, all of a sudden you’re not fighting for what is right for you, looking the best and all these things. But before you know it, because you take that route to be humble, and it seems to work and doesn’t tend to break.

So I’m saying that because if you’re stuck with a problem, step away or try the one thing that makes it seem like you’re gonna go backwards. Now, I’m not talking about, like, legitimately going backwards, but if you’re if there’s, like, No, I don’t want to do that, because it seems like I’m gonna fail and go backwards or it’s been a defeat. That’s probably what you need to do, and that’s the moral of this podcast.

Anyways, guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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