Episode Transcript.
What ‘s up, everybody?
So last time, I talked about how things are really multiple steps removed from us. Give a couple examples of that, how problems and even solutions, often times we implement the solution, but the results don’t come till much later. Everything is really long term, time deferred. And I did a episode really on planning and why it is some of the most important work. It really is, honestly the real work, more often than not, that needs to be done in any business and just in life in general, is really planning out the steps.
And the reason why is because of the episode I last did, and the way that you need to view life is everything that I did yesterday, I’m not is not going to come to pass fully until later down the road, and the timeline is dependent on how sizable that is, but it’s really the law of sowing and reaping. When you sow, you’re gonna reap whatever you sow. But the thing about sowing and reaping is, this is you plant, time is going to go by, and then you’ll see plants come up, but you don’t know that they’ll be fruitful. But then you see signs that things are changing. And then more time passes, and then all of a sudden, oh, I’ve got some tomatoes coming out of the ground. Oh, I’ve got some corn. I’ve got some wheat, whatever it is so sewing and reaping.
And I’m saying this because this is why a lack of critical thinking, and this is why a lack of planning can be so hurtful in the long term, especially in business like if you if you are not driven to plan and map out, okay, if x happens, then we do B, and then if B occurs, and B goes well, then we move on to whatever the next stage is, and and then we go all the way down the list. And if you don’t map out that, then at that point, you can’t expect success.
Name something that’s chaotic that actually brings success. Name something that’s chaotic that actually brings real value and solves problems it doesn’t normally. Chaos is what you’re trying to solve. And when somebodys life’s in pain and there’s chaotic’s in there, right? Or the business, like you’re starting, you’ve started the business and the entrepreneur journey also. And you find out, Oh my gosh, there’s so much chaos everywhere. And then you start wearing all the different hats. You start doing all the different all the different stuff.
And it’s like, okay, cool. The whole job, the whole thing that provides value is to stop the chaos, stop the chaos. And the business stops chaos in your life. And if you look, that’s where everybody tells, like businesses to start, pick a problem. Well, what’s problem? chaos Problems are normally chaotic. Like, Oh, I have a problem. They and chaos induces pain. This is uncomfortable. Oh, no, if you I don’t want to deal with this, whatever that’s that’s what those things are.
And the way that you solve that is through planning, through planning out life, right, through playing out your life, through actually stewarding your money, having a plan. That’s what a budget is as a plan. This is where our money goes, and this is what we do with it when we get our paycheck. This is how we’re going to invest here’s all these things that we’re doing, and here’s what we are doing. And I think it’s very interesting, because we we neglect the most important work because it’s the most boring work.
I had a piano teacher, and I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, but he used to say, Hey, you don’t practice. You play. And I was like, What do you mean? He’s like, you I’m practicing this part of the piece. He’s like, No, you like to play that part of the piece because you know it, but you don’t want to put in the work to actually learn what you don’t know yet. And that’s how, that’s how a lot of this is, especially people in business, it’s really hard to do the work that you don’t want to do. Man, I don’t want to do this.
And a key indicator of you need to do the work is probably you don’t want to do it and you feel frustrated about it, or like, I don’t want to, I don’t want to do I really enjoy doing this. Okay, great, but you’ve got to do some stuff that you don’t want to do. You’re going to have to face some things and think about stuff and map things out that you don’t want to do. And that’s the way that life works, and that’s really the way that every everything works is you’re gonna have to put in the upfront work that is uncomfortable, that is not liked.
And the people who are really successful in life, they tend to do this better than others. If you look at the people who really have success in an area, if you pick somebody or something where it’s like, cool, this is the field I want to be in these this is the field. This is the the the job I want to be in. You look at people who are successful in that field, and then that job, oh, they put in the work. So I, I’ve played a lot of music. I play piano, right? And then, like, today, like I can hop on a keyboard and play without practicing, and it’s like, man, you’re so good. Yeah, you didn’t see the hundreds and hundreds of hours I spent practicing going, Oh man, I don’t want to do this, but let me, let me sit down and do this anyways. It’s the same thing in life.
It’s the same thing, like, cool, if you don’t know how to budget your money, you’re gonna have to start somewhere. And there’s gonna be a lot of points in your life and points during that process where you don’t want to do it, but you might as well start and get the time and get the reps in to do what you. Need to do to accomplish what you need to accomplish.
So anyways, that’s it for today, guys. I’ll catch you later. Peace.