Ep. 90 – Finding the Real Work


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, everybody? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome to Five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy, and welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Today, guys, I want to talk about my personal goals one of them at least. And I think it would be helpful for you all to just kind of hear some of my thought processes about this. One of my personal goals is, I want to find the real work that I need to accomplish and do I want to find it quicker and be more efficient at finding it. And then I want to execute it more efficiently and quickly, I want to work better, I want to leverage my efforts to get the maximum output for my work. And for my effort. I’m saying this, because this really ties back into creating, if you’re creating something, if you are creating and building, the most important thing for you to do is find real work because there’s hundreds of things that you will always have to do. There’s 1000s of things, begging for your attention and like clawing at you to get your attention or to distract you with and your main goal as a creator is to find out What is the most important thing I need to focus on right now in the moment. And What do I need to do right now in the moment. And that’s the real work.

So I’ll give you a definition of What I mean by real work. real work is work that is predicated on my greater good, it’s driven by that. It’s also tied to delayed gratification. Okay. So real work is tied to delayed gratification. Most times, it’s not the most gratifying thing to do in the moment. But it’s also tied into long term results, it’s actually serving, serving a greater purpose than myself, and letting go of What I want momentarily to produce the results that I want in life, and it produces systemic results. So it’s this chain reaction that comes from it, that opens the doorway to other things. So for instance, real work is looking at the business numbers, once a week, and you’d be surprised how many business people do not look at numbers once a week. But looking at the numbers once a week, not to gain extra insights not to gain all this other crazy stuff, and so on. I just know the numbers from inside out. It’s not that those things, it’s to look at the numbers every week, because I told myself, I would not lie to myself. And lying to myself means that I’m going to ignore the numbers or not going to look or do things that are painful to look at. Okay, that’s just an example.

Other real work. Other real work is wow, we’ve got to do marketing for ourselves as a company in a business cool, we’re doing all the client work great, but I’m not going to mark it for myself, I’m not going to do sales. Okay. Well, then at that point, I’m really not doing the real work. Because guess What happens if we go out of business because we’re not doing sales, all our client accounts falter. And then we break promises to them, and then we’re unable to serve them. And so the real work ties into those things. Now, those are examples, the real work changes based on your situation, and it changes situationally with What you need to do. And there’s real work in relationships as well. Like, I’ve talked about this before. I don’t know if it’s been on this podcast. But I’ve talked about how like in relationships, the real work is telling the truth to your friends, like you guys being honest and truthful with each other. That’s real work. And oftentimes, it’s like, oh, no, I don’t want to say that. I don’t want to be honest. I don’t want to say, Hey, man, I think you’ve got a problem.

So like, I’m currently on the journey to get unfat. And my nephew, he was like, seven years old at the time, he came up to me, he goes, Hey, Uncle Michael, I just want to let you know, you’re fat. And I was like, thank you so much. It was one of the best things anybody has ever told me. And it really hit me more deeply that I need to get healthy to really love myself, love my wife, love my family, love my friends. And then all my teammates and co workers like to really love and in to let that come out. I’ve got to love myself first and choose to be healthy. That’s the real work. And the real work in the moment was accepting the truth that was told to me by seven year old versus wow, you know, you’re just being a punk little kid. That’s real work. real work is based on truth in real work ties back deeply into truth. And so my goal is to find that as fast as possible every day to find that as fast as possible in my life, and then to execute against that.

And so, I’m saying this because if you’re building and creating, you need to find the real work. Otherwise, you’re just going to be caught doing things that are fake or superficial, you’ll be caught trying to keep up with the Joneses. You’ll be caught trying to just compete with your competitors, which is going to help you because guess What, you’re not them. So how do you compete against them? I’m not saying you don’t want the same customer from them. But the customer is going to pick you because of you not because of them. Right? And so Just think about that.

Anyways, I’m just throwing this out there. Hope it helped y’all and I’ll catch y’all later. Peace

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