Ep. 121 – Focus


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well. And hope life is treating you guys good.

So today, everybody, I wanted to talk about Focus. Focus is actually one of the most powerful things in life that you have been given as a gift to you. You are responsible for where you choose to spend your time and your energy, and how you choose to dedicate your life to certain things or not to. And that is one of the most overlooked and underrated gifts that we’ve been given as people. And so I want to, I want to share this story with you. So about a week ago, I was playing this board game called SAR with my nephew’s and the way it works is you move your pieces around until you get to your safe zone, so you don’t get knocked out. And it’s really a game of chance because it involves dice. And everybody’s playing the board game. And they’re all trying to move multiple pieces at a time. And me and my teammate, my nephew at that point, we were all going to move one piece at a time, we put all of the roles and all the dice rolls into one piece at a time to move across the board.

And at first it seemed counterintuitive, because why wouldn’t we spread all the dice shares? Why wouldn’t we spread all the spaces together with multiple pieces. But looking back, it is actually more efficient to do it this way. And so we took one piece from beginning to end. And if you’ve ever read Lean thinking, that’s actually What Lean Thinking talks about. Oftentimes, our perception thinks about that it is easier and more efficient to batch parts and pieces or to batch work, like I’ll do multiple things at once and batch them. And then I’ll assemble a product together like a bicycle like so I’ll do all the tires, and then I’ll do the frame, then I’ll do the seat. And then and then I’ll assemble them. And I’ll make sure everything’s painted the right way done. But that’s actually wrong, it is way less efficient versus taking one bike from start to finish every time. So we did that with SAR, we focused all of our roles onto our single pieces. And we dominated even though we had some bad luck along the way and couldn’t get some of our pieces out of the starting point, we still won.

And the reason why is because we focused on one piece at a time from start to finish. And I’m saying this because when working or when building or when moving forward in life, oftentimes we are trying to do multiple things at once. When really, we should be doing one thing from start to finish. And so think about it this way, if you have the world’s best football player, all of a sudden start having to play basketball in the middle of a soccer game or football game. And I’m saying football now stay in soccer. So if you have the world’s best soccer player in the world, and then all sudden he starts having to play major league basketball, major league basketball listen to me. I don’t know sports guys, this is a really bad analogy. So if you’re laughing at me, I’m glad.

Let me try this for a third time. If you take the world’s best basketball player, and then all sudden He has to play soccer, right? While playing basketball, he all of a sudden becomes the worst basketball player in the world because he split his focus between the two sports simultaneously. And so if you think about that, and then you think about What you’re trying to build, and What you’re trying to create, you’re splitting half your time and half your focus and half your effort energies between two very important things. And you have to pick one, What are you going to do, you can’t just do multiple things. Now there are ways to do multiple things. And I’m not saying that you don’t have to do multiple things in your job, or in your household and your company. And there’s not lots of things to take care of. However, putting little bits of time and energy into each one is going to result in failure, there’s no way you’re going to complete What you need to complete.

And so I’m saying this because if you can take one project, one problem, one obstacle, one objective and put your time, energy and effort and focus until it is solved, you’re going to watch the world radically change and you’ll actually realize you’re going to build and solve problems faster, you’re going to create faster, and then everything that you thought would take twice as long, it actually takes half as much time in the beginning to complete. Because your focus is there, all of your energy is there. And it’s very interesting to watch because when 100% of your energy is put onto something 100% of your attention and your abilities and focus. That problem just disintegrates very rapidly, versus having it spread over multiple problems or multiple issues across the way and so anyways, I’m just saying this because I really believe this is something that is highly underrated, forgotten about and just generally not seen.

Anyways Guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch y’all later. Peace

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