Ep. 152 – Growth Learning


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So guys, today, I wanted to talk about growth learning.

And this is a phrase that I’m just kind of coining right now until I have some better language for it. But I want to talk about how, as we grow and mature as people mentally, emotionally, physically, our knowledge, education, wisdom, and application must mature as well. And if it doesn’t, if it doesn’t, we seem to break or if our knowledge, wisdom and application of skills and different things matures, but we don’t, as a person, mentally or emotionally, or physically, it seems to break as well. And everything really has to be in balance, right. And you cannot be a 30 year old person with a 12 year olds mindset of how life works, it will break. And I have found that this occurs naturally, and we’re built to grow like this naturally. And this is the same thing with a company. And we’re gonna go there in just a moment.

But we’re built like this naturally, to where when we are born, and when we’re children are really taught, you know, skill sets that match our mental abilities, and our physical abilities, and responsibilities. And we’re given knowledge and wisdom about different things. And then from there, we are required to continue to grow and mature, but all the knowledge, wisdom and application of things must mature with us as well. An example of this is, you know, as a kid, at first, it’s like, hey, the stove is dangerous, the ovens dangerous, don’t go around it, you don’t need to play, we’re cooking in the kitchen, you don’t need to be in the kitchen cooking. Well, as I got older now it’s Hey, help me cook in the kitchen, help me use them, and let me teach you how to use it. And then finally, to where I’m a full fledged adult, and there’s zero supervision around any of that. And this leads into the principle to have life is additional.

The way life works is things are always added to you whether they’re negative things or positive things. And by negative I mean problems like if, if you’re not moving forward to purposely build your life, and to purposely better your life, you’re going to have problems accumulate in your life. And if you choose to purposely build your life and better your life, you’re also going to have successes accumulate in your life. And this is how life works is with with consistent success or consistent problems constantly being added or removed over the course of our life. And I’ve talked about before how one of our jobs as people is the removal of chaos, right? That’s one of our jobs, I have to shave every day, or I’ve got to cut the grass at least once a week. Okay, and it’s to stop chaos. And it’s the same thing. In our lives. As we add on knowledge as we add on wisdom and skill sets. It’s the same thing, those skill sets that knowledge and wisdom must mature and become ripe as we mature and grow older with age.

And it’s very interesting, because you’ve looked, if you look at somebody who hasn’t done this, they are they are seen as immature whether their knowledge or wisdom hasn’t grown with him. And I’m saying this because this is exactly how a business works. When you’re building a company, you must start with a core vital important piece, right? Just as a child and then from there, you must continue to improve it, you must continue to improve whatever your offer is, you must develop an identity. Who is the company? What are they like? What are they for? Right? What do they like? What do they not like? What do they stand for? What do they represent, the company actually needs a physical identity, a child grows into an identity as well. And then so on and so forth. And things are added to it to really build in it’s a step by step process. It’s not just a hey, I have all of a sudden made it and I’m coming out of nowhere.

And if you’re just about to start a company know this like a lot of businesses taking a long time like think about this Amazon and Google took like 10 years a piece like Amazon 10 years in a garage somewhere Google same thing. They took years and years and years before things popped off. And there’s no such thing as that magic moment where oh my gosh, I’m enormous. No, it is the maturing of the skill sets maturity of the business just like a person in the consistent editions of success and the consistent solving and removing of problems and building.

So anyways, I’m out of time and I’ll catch y’all later. Peace

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