Ep. 38 – Heart + Attitude = Wins Long Term


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:09
What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to 5 Minute Rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you good. Let’s go ahead and jump straight on into this, and real quick. If you are new to the show, the whole point of this show is really based around improvement and growth. And we pretty much talk about anything around the journey of life for a whole five minutes.

So anyways, let’s just jump straight into this, I want to say something that I believe is really true universally, whether at work, whether at home and in life, wherever you’re at, I really believe that heart and attitude wins every time long term over IQ. If your heart is in it, and you have a good attitude, and you are really working your way through life, it doesn’t matter what you have, everything is going to change. The heart and the courage to change, the heart and courage to move forward. The mentality and the position of ownership in your heart that everything’s your problem, and also that means that you can control your life and are in charge of your life and can change it. You’re not a victim of society or something. And I’m not saying that culture, there are outside forces that aren’t hard to overcome. What I’m saying is the heart position that I’m in charge of my life, and I’m the master of my life, and I’m the master of my ship. And I can choose to go wherever I want to go. That plus having a good attitude and being positive wins, over IQ over smarts and intelligence.

Any day, it wins over a certificate, it wins over a college degree. I mean, you look at how many successful people in life do not have a college degree. They now work for corporate, they didn’t do certain things and all this other stuff. And then what happened, heart and an attitude one over IQ. And I think this is important because when raising kids, I spend a lot of time with my nieces and nephews this weekend. But when raising kids, we tend to place the value of smarts and IQ, right and wrong answer like what is two plus two we place value of education and growth on that. Versus oh my gosh, what is your heart like? What is your attitude like? Because if you got heart and attitude to move forward, you can do anything. You can learn everything.

Google now is out there to where you can learn everything. You want to YouTube, how to code, you want to YouTube, how to change the oil in your car, change your tires, brakes, it’s out there, you can Google it and YouTube it for whatever you are looking for. But the only reason why you’re going to do that is because of heart and because of attitude. And so I think it wins long term over IQ.

It doesn’t matter if you know that you’re lacking the skills. You can go out and learn it. If you want to improve and win, you’ll start improving and winning in that way. You know, you’ll start reading, you’ll start getting up early. Same thing like with health, you don’t need a certificate to read and become educated. And you don’t need a college degree to say that, hey, I am qualified to read this. Yes, it can be used as a standard of measurement. But that standard is rapidly decreasing, and falling under.

And so I think it’s really important to see that like heart and attitude are way more important. Teamwork is way more important. Being a team player, doesn’t just mean that you’re like a pushover that you acquiesce to everything a boss or other people asked you to do, what it means is, you’re out for the best. And you’re aligned with the goal and the vision of the team. And you’re fighting for that. Right?

It requires teamwork, to run a family, to be in a family and to move forward as a family. And so it’s really important to have the heart and attitude behind that because IQ is not going to drive any of that. IQ, your just mental capacity to comprehend things is not going to drive any of that. It may help you figure that out. But the heart and attitude is way more important, way more important.

The positivity, the mindset that you can overcome any problem, the mindset of ownership, the mindset of really moving forward, and improving. And really driving is so much more important than IQ. School is I think way overrated for a lot of things. And we think it is and use it, as a catch all and be all for everything, and it’s really not. School is not that and I think it’s really important to see that. And then I think it’s important to see that your personal heart and attitude win long term over everything else.

So guys, that’s it. We’re out of time. Thanks for joining in, and I will catch you guys later. Y’all have a great day. Peace!

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