Ep. 141 – How to Solve Problems


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, today, everybody, I actually wanted to talk about how to solve problems.

Andrew and I were having an interesting conversation the other day, and Andrew is my business partner for anybody who doesn’t know. And we are talking about how to solve problems. And one of the best ways that I found to solve a problem is What I call actually submitting to the problem. You’ll stop in submit to the problem, and you’ll actually let the problem tell you the answer and tell you how to get the answer. So if you think about any algebraic math equation, right, a plus three equals seven. Okay, you think about that. And then if you stop and let the problem talk to you. It will tell you What a is because you’re solving for a and then at that point in time, you’ll realize, oh, it’s for four plus three equals seven. Okay? That’s how it’s done in business. Oh, I don’t have enough cash flow. Okay. Well, no cash flow. So no cash flow equals no money in the bank, no cash flow in the bank. Where does that come from? Oh, sales. Oh, why am I not getting sales? Oh, marketing. And it works just like algebra. And if you submit to What is actually happening, and you submit to the problem, to really let it speak to you and tell you What is missing, and it will tell you What you currently have, you can normally work backwards and find the answer that you’re looking for. And it’s so cool.

But the problem is for most people, the problem for most people in this is it takes humility. And it takes letting go if you’re not willing to just let go. And if you don’t have that heart position to just let go and be like, cool, I am letting go of control to try and fix the problem and try to recreate the problem so that my solution will work versus submitting to it and letting it tell you how to get the right answer. It’s not really going to work. And that’s it’s like this, I I really think that oftentimes we don’t solve the problems because we want to solve them our way. Well, this is my way to solve it. Great. Is it working? No. So is your way working? No. So should you keep doing it your way? No, you should try it a different way. I’ve done that a lot. It’s like walking into a wall over and over and over trying to get into the next room until somebody finally comes along and says, Hey, Michael, there’s a door over here. Or I figure out like, oh, maybe this isn’t the way to get into the other room, because I submit to What the wall is trying to tell me, which is you can’t get through here. And then I let go. And then I step back and actually look at it. And I let the problem speak to me. It’s like, oh, this is the way that I enter into the room through the door.

And if you’ve ever been around little children, you will watch them go through this. If you actually really observe them, you can watch them go through this in their mind as they figure out solutions to problems they’re having. And sometimes they’re so simple. It’s common sense stuff that we know. But you’ll watch them go through this process of, oh, well, What I’m doing is not working. What I’m doing is not working, What I’m doing is not working. And they’re like, Why isn’t this working? Why isn’t this working? And that’s What happens is normally when we encounter a problem, it starts off as Why isn’t this working to a recognition of oh, What I’m doing isn’t working to let me step back and look and observe to Oh, there’s the solution.

And so when Andrew and I were talking about this, it was like, Man, I need to talk about this because we get so stuck on problems, because we don’t understand why What we’re doing isn’t working. And we don’t have the humility to step back and stop beating our heads against the wall. And let the problem actually tell us how to get into the next room or how to get over into the next room. Why doesn’t this work? Why is this broken? Oh, this is the reason why it’s broken. This is the reason why it doesn’t work. Awesome. I’ve got a lot more marketing, I got a lot of sales. And we have a huge close rate. But I don’t understand why we’re not really we still don’t have cashflow. And why we can’t keep our customers well, maybe your customer experience is bad step back and look What is your customer experience. Look at all the pieces that are involved in the equation. And it’s just like algebra, A plus B equals C, it’s just like that. And there might be a plus b plus d plus e, equal C. But you can figure it out along the way if you’re willing to have the humility to really listen and to step back and observe. And so I’m going to repeat this how do you solve a problem? You submit to it and let it tell you the answer well anyways guys, that’s it for today. I’m actually early.

So I’ll catch you guys later on the flip side peace

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