Ep. 163 – If It’s Not Working…


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hope you’re doing well. And listen, everybody, if you know somebody whose life could be changed or bettered just by sharing this podcast with them, would you do that? Would you help me out and help them out? And if you don’t mind, too, if it’s not too much to ask, if you don’t mind rating this, reviewing this, and just helping us spread the word to just better everybody’s lives, and just really, I guess, simply change the world. So if that’s not too grandiose, Well, anyways, guys, I appreciate y’all tuning in and being a part of the tribe. Let’s go ahead and get into this.

I want to talk about problem solving. And I want to approach it just from a different side today. And What I really want to talk about is that if you’re trying to solve a problem, or if you’re trying to overcome challenge currently in life, and What you’re not doing is not working. The problem, or the thing in life that you’re trying to accomplish, it simply does not work that way. Okay. So for instance, we cannot breathe underwater, why my lungs do not work that way, they were not made to work that way. And oftentimes, we find that solving certain problems, we can’t solve them, because we want to do it, how we want to solve the problem, how we want to solve it, versus how the problem is designed to be solved. Right. And to give you an example of this, I used to think that making money was very hard. And there’s so many entrepreneurs, you’re like, No, making money is easy. Making money is easy. And, you know, if you’re one of the people like me, who was like no, making money is really hard. It is very hard to make money. How do I make money. The reason why it was hard is because I had intrinsic beliefs, one that it was hard to make money. And so if I thought that then cool, if I have to struggle to make money, this is apparently how it’s supposed to be made, because making money is gonna suck. So that beliefs that I had actually helped me continue to fall into the trap of cycles that making money is very hard. And so I always picked hard paths to try and increase revenue, or cash flow or whatever it was.

The other thing that really hurt was because I believe that making money was hard. And I continue to find the path of most resistance to make money. And I didn’t believe it was easy. I actually never solved the problem, the way it should have been and the problem is simply this, create something that people want to buy. Well, excuse me, the solution to the problem is create something that people want to buy that actually provides value for them based on What they want, tell them about it, and then trade it to them for money. That’s simply it. And it’s very simple in order to do business that way. And money really is easy, I have something that you want, let me talk to you about it, Hey, I heard you want this, I do want this. Cool. I want $10 for it. Awesome, I’ll give you $10. And there you go. And then I used to think that money making was very hard. And so as a result, I got trapped in all the technical this that better, better, better marketing better, this better than those things are true. But none of that matters. If you simply don’t have a product to sell, and when Andrew and I first started a business, we really didn’t have a product to sell. And I’m saying product as all inclusive of services and everything else. Because when we started we were a service based agency, we’re still are service based.

We didn’t really have a product to sell. We’re like, Oh, we’re selling SEO. Okay, cool. And then we never actually had anything to give the client other than a technical skill set. And we used to think it was very complex bells and whistles, all these things and all this other stuff. But we didn’t map out. We didn’t map out pretty much What were we actually selling cool. It’s a technical skill set. And hey, if you want SEO Services, this is really simple. This is What we do this how much we charge, Here’s the things that we can work on a guarantee. And then you just have a foundational starting point to actually make money. And part of the problem with making money that I had was I had an employee mindset where I show up, I do work, I get paid. And when we started the company, both Andrew and I had that and it really hurt us because we actually just became self employed. In other words, we don’t actually own a business or a company. We’re really self employed. We’re actually, you know, still employees, because we’re the technicians, and now the marketing and now the sales team.

But the point of why I’m saying this is if it’s not working, it’s not supposed to work that way. If you don’t know how to overcome the problem with a challenge, it’s not supposed to work that way. And Here’s the other thing. Knowing What not to do also equals better problem solving because when you go down the road of knowing What not to do similar situations are going to arise and you know that that’s not the path to take that’s going to get you over this mountain.

And last but not least, because I’m over time is, it is life is really lived, especially in business and entrepreneurship with deduction and experimentation. And if you can’t do either of those two things, it’s going to you’re going to have a very hard time overcoming challenges. And so those will be two skill sets. I would encourage you to learn.

Anyways guys, I’m way over so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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