EP. 161 – The Importance of Making A Decision with CJ Anderson


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And I got a special guest on the show with me today, CJ Anderson. What’s up, CJ?

CJ Anderson 0:21
Hey, Michael, what’s going on brother? How you doing?

Michael Abernathy 0:24
I’m doing really good, man. I’m doing really good. How have you been?

CJ Anderson 0:27
Man, I’m just super fantastic. Man. I can’t complain, man. I can’t complain at all.

Michael Abernathy 0:33
Dude, that’s the truth. Well, just say all y’all know, we were talking about right before we jumped on, CJ and I were talking about the importance of making the decision. And if you don’t mind, CJ, let’s just get straight into that man.

CJ Anderson 0:45
Sure. Okay, well, as Mike said, my name is CJ Anderson, and I do a lot, I’m What you would, I guess you can call me kind of a serial entrepreneur. I’ve had, you know, multiple companies still on multiple companies, started multiple companies, all of them have not been successful. But the ones that were, you know, after I kind of figured out how this all the whole thing works, you know, have served me very well. So there’s no complaints on my end. But yeah, so I guess Mike asked me to just kind of, you know, talk a little bit about, you know, the importance of making a decision. And, honestly, that’s been the key to my success. You know, I’ve had a lot of you know, ups and downs throughout the ride, anybody that tells you, it’s gonna be the straight shot, when you’re an entrepreneur, you know, it’s a lie.

Michael Abernathy 1:34
That’s the truth.

CJ Anderson 1:37
It’s never a straight shot, man. It’s always it’s the, you know, you gotta go to the woods. There wasn’t a flashlight. And you know, eventually the deal is you gotta keep walking. And you know, as long as you can take the next step, you will find your way through it. But I think one of the things that I would tell anybody, if you want to somewhat shortcut that process, is you got to make a decision as to What you want. And when I say make a decision as to What you want, I’m not talking about you know, how you want your whole company to look and all that kind of stuff because a lot of times when you get started, you don’t really know What any of that looks like, you know What I mean, That’s the whole point, you know, getting started, you have an idea, but 90% of the time, the plan that you start out with isn’t the one you end with.

But if you can have a general idea of What you want, like, why are you doing all this? What are you starting the company for? What is it that you want to get out of it? You know, What I mean? Like, whether it’s money, whether it’s whatever, you got to know What that looks like. And you know What that might evolve in time as well. But the deal is, if you have a general idea as to why you’re doing it, and you make your mind up and tell yourself, this is why I’m doing it, don’t change it. You know What I mean? I’m going because I want to make X amount of dollars. So I’m doing it because I want to help my family or I’m doing it because I want to do this, know What that looks like. So if you’re saying I’m doing it, because I want to help my family, how do I want to help my family? If I’m doing it because I want to make certain amount of money? How much money do I want to make, you know, you’re doing it for a reason. And you got to have that reason, crystal clear, you don’t have to fill in all the details. You don’t have to know everything in between. But once you know What it is that you’re trying to achieve, and you make your mind up that some way somehow, that’s What I’m going to do. And it doesn’t matter What I see around me, I promise you that all this stuff in between the resources, everything else that you need, will kind of fill itself man, it’s so somehow magically finds its way to you, once you make that decision. But the key is making a decision in light of your current circumstances.

Michael Abernathy 3:26
That’s so good, bro. How do you, you know, you talked about making the decision? How do you actually find out What you want to do? Can you actually talk a little bit about that process?

CJ Anderson 3:38
Well, I mean, that’s, that’s an that’s kind of an open ended, you know? It’s like, how do you find out What you want to do? You just, I mean, everybody’s got something that they’re passionate about. And I’m not saying necessarily the thing that you’re passionate about is what you’re going to make a business out of but I mean, you got to kind of have an idea of What gets you excited enough where you could work on it every day. You know, and if you find something like that, that gets you excited enough where you know you like now, it’s like you kind of form somewhat of a obsession around it, where it’s like, you know, you just for whatever reason, it keeps pulling you towards and you keep working you keep wanting to do it, you keep wanting to work on it. That’s normally something that has to do with What it is you’re supposed to do. You know, I will tell you, it’s not mandatory What I want to do, but it’s normally What I’m supposed to do and What you find out is the thing that you’re supposed to do that you’re here for normally aligned with What you want to do, if that makes sense.

Michael Abernathy 4:39
Dude that totally make sense. That really makes sense. So you got 15 seconds anything else you want to add to anything you said?

CJ Anderson 4:47
Yeah, don’t quit. No matter how hard it gets.

Michael Abernathy 4:49
Dude that’s so true. Do not quit at all. At all.

CJ Anderson 4:55
Yeah, no, no, you’d be shocked when you’re ready to quit, you know Your answers is on the other side.

Michael Abernathy 5:02
Oh man, thanks for joining us. I really appreciate you jumping on the show bro.

CJ Anderson 5:05
No worries, brother it was fun.

Michael Abernathy 5:07
Well thanks guys for tuning in. We’ll catch you later peace

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