Ep. 83 – It’s The Little Things


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the journey predicated on life and business, the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Anyways, guys, I’m just gonna head jump straight into it, it is the little things, okay. And life is made up of little things. And in this is What I’m getting at all big victories, all big accomplishments, all major achievements in your life are made up of small steps. And oftentimes why we don’t see victory or why we don’t see What we’re working towards happen is because we keep skipping the steps to get us there, we keep trying to shortcut and cut out steps and cut out the consistency of just walking forward one step at a time.

Alright, think of it this way. No one summons a mountain by skipping all the steps in between, right, you can’t say that you climbed Mount Everest, if you’re going to get there by helicopter. I know physically, it’s not possible to do that. And we’re not going to talk about why. But the point is, is you’re not going to summit Mount McKinley, Mount Everest, or any mountain, if you ride in helicopter, summit means climbing all the way up there. And that’s how life works. That’s how the victories in life work. That’s how our achievements in life work small steps. Now, the point is, is it is important to be consistent with the small steps. And it is important to try and do as many small steps as possible. Okay, and and Here’s the key, though most of us get stuck on starting, because we just see the huge, the huge mountain ahead of us. And we don’t focus on the small things.

So for instance, you know, if you’re trying to get your health in order, and going back to the five pillars of life, I’ve talked about before health, finances, property, relationships of work, right? Let’s just say your health is in complete disarray. Your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, all of them are in complete disarray, well you need to start somewhere, okay. But most of us are like, Man, I can’t go to the gym. I’m not a bodybuilder, I’m not a marathon runner, great. You don’t have to be, start drinking water in the morning, start stretching small steps every morning, eight ounce glass of water, and stretch, first thing in the morning before you do anything, right. Or like, hey, I want to get better at discipline, I want to get better at work and organization. Okay, make your bed every morning, one small step. And then once you make your bed every morning, add another step, and another step and another and it grows. See momentum is contagious. And once you start getting momentum, it is very easy to start rolling downhill.

But it’s the same, it’s the same thing for being stuck. If you’re stuck, it’s just hard to get out of that position. If you’re always trying to do the next greatest thing, or the next biggest thing. And if you look at even how a lot of the major companies were built, they spent like 10 years in the garage like Google was like 10 years as a small company before any funding, like go over the history of Apple, they just didn’t suddenly arrive there. But we look at that and think, Wow, all these major people, Steve Jobs, all the founders of Google, all these people arrive there, all of a sudden, they’re huge companies. And it doesn’t work like that. Honestly, it’s the journey upfront in all the small steps and the consistency, consistency is so much more important, by the way than just hard effort. Like you can look at the facts of consistency and the statistics behind it, like 15 minutes of every day, 15 to 30 minutes of every day, for a whole entire year is better than practicing three hours in one get go sporadically. And I think if you do 50 and 30 minutes, like you become in the top 90% of that skill set within a year, that’s crazy to think about. And that includes sales that could include negotiations that include music, football, whatever you’re doing sports. But the thing is, it’s the consistency that matters. And you build on consistency.

And so you want to get your finances in order, you’re in a lot of debt, great. Tackle the small steps, seriously tackle the small steps there first, plan everything out, break everything down into small steps to climb up that mountain, you’re not getting up the mountain, if you just go and try and take massive steps the whole time. You’re not going to summon it. If you try and sprint up the mountain you’re gonna burn out before you’ve even gotten there. And so it’s the slow, steady, continuous walking and consistent steps each and every day. It really is like the tortoise and the hare. It is a slow and steady it really does win the race, if you’ve ever heard that story before. And I think it’s we missed this because in our age currently instant gratification is out there. So like you think about this, you don’t have to cook anymore. You’re just heating things up in microwaves or you’re ordering Uber Eats and the food is there. And so we’ve lost all the small consistency of cooking our own food. If you’ve never cooked your own food before I encourage you to do so because it’s a journey. And it actually brings so much self gratification like you know how many people can’t cook nowadays it really blows my mind, you learn to cook and you learn to love yourself that way and start taking care of small steps. You’ll watch a health change too.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you on the flip side peace

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