Ep. 132 – Learning To Love It


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So today, everybody, I wanted to talk about learning to love it. Learning to love it. And this is What I mean by that.

Life is made up of a lot of things that either I don’t want to do, or I want to do. And it’s interesting in itself, because I don’t want to or I want to is one of the number one largest emotional drivers in decision making in our lives. And that’s where learning to love it comes in. Because if you simply choose What you are going to do, and What you are not going to do based on whether you want to or not, you are never going to get where you want in life. And you will look back and go, Why did I end up here? And how did I end up here, because everybody has goals, everybody has dreams. Everybody has just a dream that you want to achieve, right? Everybody has that everybody wants to grow up and be something, you think about the children and raising kids and like, Man, I want to be a fireman, I want to be a police officer, I want to be a ballerina dancer because they think, because without money attached, they think that’s the top of the world. And everybody has that.

And so What happens is the people who achieve those things, there are people that have learned to love doing What they don’t want to do. Because in order to move through life, you’ve got to learn to love to do What you don’t want to do, otherwise, you’re going to be miserable. Gratefulness is a huge part about this, right? I’ll say that again. Gratefulness is a huge part of learning to love What you don’t want to do. And then on the flip side, it’s also practice at doing What you don’t want to do. So most of the time, when we don’t want to do things, they’re normally hard things, and difficult things, or they normally involve discomfort and pain. And we associate discomfort and pain with negative and negativity. And that’s not always true. Working out is very painful, can be very painful. But it is a very positive thing to do. And so learning to love being in those moments, learning to love, the endurance and the discipline, and the accomplishment of What you’re doing is so wonderful and world changing. Because then no matter What you’re doing, you actually enjoy life. You may not like where you’re at Cool. You don’t need to be content with where you at. But ungratefulness is not going to make life fun for where you’re currently at now. Right?

You can have all the money in the world, you hear stories, but you have all the money, you can have all the things in the world and people are miserable, why? They’ve never learned to love What they don’t want to do. And they’ve never learned to love to be grateful, because you can not have gratefulness alongside of this. And you can’t have happiness without gratefulness. And you can’t have happiness without loving to do the things that you don’t want to do in the moment, or the hard things, right, like having those difficult conversations, I just don’t want to talk about that I’d rather avoid it and run away. And it’s like, if you look at that, you look at that situation. It only hurts you in the long run. There’s a proverb that says Cursed is the man who withdraws his sword from blood. And it’s not talking about murdering people. And it’s not talking about just killing people it’s talking about, you are going to incur consequences in your life, for not fighting for the things that you know you should fight for.

You’re going to end up wishing that you fought for your dreams in wishing that you did the things that you didn’t want to do in the moment to accomplish your dream. Otherwise, you’re going to have regret. And I know a lot of people with regret, especially as I’m getting older, it’s easier to find people with regret. I’m running into them more because they’re people my age, which means time has passed on. And now they regret not trying. They regret not doing What they know they should have done they regret not having the conversations they should have. They regret not quitting their jobs sooner and starting What they shouldn’t have started sooner. They regret these things. And it’s all based on Learning To Love what you don’t want to do and learning to love the hard things. And I’m not saying you need to be a masochist. I’m saying you need to learn contentedness and you need to learn to love where you’re at. Otherwise, you’ll quit every time things get hard. And you’ll go back around the cycle. And you’ll never ever overcome this obstacle or overcome that next obstacle in your life.

You’ve got to press in and move forward and hunker down and do the stuff you don’t want to for instance doing the boring stuff. I didn’t want to start a podcast, but my business partner Andrew said, hey, if we really want to achieve the goal of giving back and really loving people, this is something that we need to do. So here I am, and it’s actually been awesome along the way.

Anyways guys, I’ll catch y’all later. Peace

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