Ep. 150 – Letting Go


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, everybody today, I want to talk about letting go something along the way and along the journey that I’ve really learned is that when I get into a mindset, or when we get into a mindset, as people of trying to protect What I have, it becomes destructive. And it actually becomes very harmful to you individually when you operate out of that mindset. And normally, there’s distrust around that mindset, I’m not going to choose to trust people, I’m not going to choose to trust teammates, I’m not going to choose to trust, you know, my spouse, or the people around me. And I’m just simply just trying to maintain the status quo. And that’s What this really means. That’s What it means to protect what I have, I’m going to maintain the status quo.

And the problem is, nobody ever really wants to be status quo. Until we’re confronted with a problem. Everybody else wants to have a better life. Everybody wants to move forward, everybody has dreams and ambitions. But one of the bigger things that allows us to move forward towards those dreams, and towards the ambitions or not, is really letting go of What you think you need to protect, to maintain. And then placing yourself in a in a position of What you could almost say is risk to really move forward, like you have to risk moving forward, you have to risk the relationship, to tell the person you love them, you have to risk the relationship, you might be friends with somebody to ask them out. But if you’re just protecting the friendship, your relationship is never going to go anywhere. And that applies everywhere in life that applies to business that applies to that applies to, you know, just every area and aspect of life.

And specifically, with business, when that mentality comes up, it becomes very destructive, because then there’s no longer a place of risk or unknown. And see, we tend to thrive and tend to do better in the unknown. And when there’s challenges in front of us, as people, we normally tend to rise to the occasion, if we’re not in that mindset of protecting What I have. And part of it is is really recognizing I have nothing to lose, What do I have to lose? If if I am really desiring to move forward in this area, or really build or create this or get started, right? You want to get started in a company? What do you have to lose? Right? Yes, you might have bills to pay, you might have finances, you might have all these things. And there’s going to be times where stuff gets hard. But you have to also believe in yourself and realize you’re a smart person. And so the real thing is, is What do I have to lose. And honestly, nothing, I don’t have anything to lose, everything is there to gain. Because whenever we’re in that protective mindset, it normally is, I don’t want to lose What I have. But we’re also not content with What we have. And we don’t like What we have.

Now part of the process of letting go is you actually have to let go of how I want it to happen. Right how you want things to be. For instance, like if you ever talked to any professional traders, and any financial institution, people, they always talk about, you’re not going to make the market do What you want it to do. You have to submit to the market, listen to it, and let it tell you how it wants to run how it wants to work. The next thing is you got to let go of What you want to have happen. Right? Normally, we want safety, we want all this surety, we want all these things. And we forget that life is very unsure, we forget that life is not sure. And that success is not guaranteed when we want it and how we want it. But if we continue on in the journey, we are going to come out on top no matter where you’re at or What you’re doing. And so part of the process of letting go is the how and the What.

And then I think the other thing that is letting go is really recognizing and realizing that if I choose to stay in this place of normality, or this place of the status quo, and that’s What I’m trying to protect, that’s all I’m going to ever have in my life in any area, right? For instance, like, it’s very easy. If you take food, it is very easy to just continue the patterns of unhealthiness to continue the patterns of eating poorly, not taking care of yourself and to maintain that status quo versus go to the gym where all of a sudden, you’re faced with maybe not looking like you’re in the best shape and feeling like maybe ashamed of yourself or faced with confronting who you are against all these other people who’ve dedicated their lives to being fit. But in order to actually go the gym you got to let go of the status quo and you have to let go and stop protecting What you have.

So anyway, guys I’m at a time so I’m just gonna catch y’all later peace

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