Ep. 153 – Love to be wrong


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, everybody, thanks for tuning in. I really appreciate it real quick, guys. My intent with the show is to really pay it forward first, and just to give this away to y’all, and so if you could help me out, and if you know anybody that would benefit to listening to this, would you share it with them, or even if you would leave me a review, and leave a review about the podcast in the episode just to help spread the word. And if you guys don’t mind partnering with me in that way.

So anyways, guys, I want to talk about learning to love to be wrong, loving to be wrong. And I talked a few episodes ago, I talked about celebrating wins and failures and how you need to be in the middle of that coin. And I actually want to talk about the other side, because this side seems to be a problem for a lot of people because a lot of their life growing up has been predicated on like, Hey, I don’t want to be wrong. I and you think about school, how school is designed school is specifically designed for oh, I never want to be wrong, right? Don’t ever be wrong. Always get the right answers on the test. Always do this always do that always focus on the right answers. In reality, life really does not work that way.

There are no just right and wrong answers. There are certain formulas and certain techniques and different things like for executing strategies for executing marketing for executing sales and different things like this, right for coding. And there are there are solutions. But there’s an infinite amount of solutions to the problem and School doesn’t teach us that they teach us there’s one answer, there’s one way. And that’s not how life works. And so for whatever reason, we grow up with a deep fear of being wrong. And I want to really put a different perspective on being wrong and What being wrong means. And so I first want, I first want to say this, that failure is really an accelerator when you look at it positively. And when you accept it positively. And you see failure as a good thing.

Because failure is just like this, I want to go from my house and I want to drive to Chick fil A, right. And I know to get to Chick fil A, I need to take a left out of my house versus a RIGHT and failures very much, oh, I just take a right out of my neighborhood or out of my house instead of a left. And now I just need to U turn. It’s not the end of the world. My family hasn’t died, my career is not over. I just need to make a U turn. And that’s really What failure is. But also when you fail, and you choose to focus and reflect and be like why did I make that decision? Why did I go through all that process of turning right? When you sit, reflect and learn, it actually speeds up your process to make better decisions. I was just talking with somebody the other day that when you don’t make a lot of decisions, because you’re afraid of failure, you don’t make a lot of decisions and you you don’t go through the process of decision making, you actually never become a good decision maker.

Great decision makers have made hundreds of 1000s of decisions as fast as possible, identified where they failed, chosen to change and improve. And then all of a sudden before you know they’ve put into practice, and they’ve become great decision makers. And making decisions is just like anything if you do not put in the work, how can you expect yourself to be good at it? If you have not put in the work to to think to reflect and to really learn from failure? How can you be good at making better decisions? How can you be good at actually finding solutions if you never try to find solutions. And so I think it’s so important to have that in place and to have that mentality.

The other thing too is failures great. And you can learn one of two ways failing yourself or watching other people fail and learning from them. I don’t have to wait to make the same mistakes as other people around me if I choose to have the humility to listen, to watch it, to learn from them, and to humble myself so I can actually learn from that individual. I don’t have to wait to repeat that mistake on my behalf or for myself in order to learn. And I think it is very important to actually learn from other people’s failures because it saves me from a lot of time and effort or pain, repeating that same mistake. But see, we often don’t want to learn from other people because we’re not even willing to learn from ourselves. Always remember this you always treat everybody else the way you treat yourself. And so if you really hate you yourself even though you smile and tell people you love them, you really don’t do what’s best for them. Or if you really do love yourself, it’ll be easier to love other people.

So anyways, I am out of time guys. I’ll catch y’all later peace

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