Ep. 80 – The Most Important Things Are Normally The Most Underrated


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome to Five Minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on your journey of life and business. Well, everybody, today, I really want to talk about the most important things in life are normally the most underrated.

And let me give you an example of this. And I’ve talked about this in another episode. But breathing, breathing is so essential to you living and to you stayin here on this planet on this earth. And it is normally one of the least thought about things in life. Okay? This concept applies all across the board for life, for relationships. For business, sometimes the most important things to do are small, and very easy to miss. And as a result, there’s a lot of harm that’s caused in life and in business, because we simply overlook or underrate some of the most vital things to us. And this seems to be a tendency across the board where people miss the work that they need to do, they miss the work that actually is important, they get caught up in all the things that aren’t, right. And so like breathing, breathing is so important. If you if you’re not breathing, you’re not going to work, you’re not going to your job, you’re not eating, none of those things, nothing else is happening in life until you start breathing again.

And I really think that this is how it is in business. And this is how it is in life. And so you can take this and think about some of your closest relationships, you can apply it to them, like, look at the people you’re closest with to, that’s how you normally treat yourself and normally treat others, right. And oftentimes, it’s your best friends, it’s your family that get treated the worst because you’re closest to them. And then they become underrated, they also don’t become as important to impress, they also don’t become as important to keep happy, because they’re so close. Now they’re becoming undervalued. And it’s the same thing in business, a lot of the work that is vital that is core, to companies and to businesses normally becomes undervalued and underrated, and then is missed. And then before you know you got fires and problems and all these other things happening, right? Like, oftentimes, just simple communication is missed in business. Right? It’s so missed, and it’s so easy to overlook that it is underrated. And then as a result, you have negative client relationships, you have negative team relationships, you have all these things. And all it is is teaching people how to communicate.

I heard this guy talk about his name was Vin, and he talked about how, if your ability to communicate is at a two, but your technical skills are at a 10 Everybody’s going to think that your technical skills are at two. But if your ability to communicate is at a 10 and your technical skills are a two everybody’s gonna think that you’re a 10 in the arena, which is really interesting, because it’s that little bit of communication, the touch points. Let me give you another example of things that are underrated and undervalued. But they’re the easiest to miss. So when you have a plumber come into your house, right? What do you really want the plumber to be, you want him to be clean, you want him to wear boots, so he doesn’t, you know, bring boots that he’s been walking, maybe except to take water sewage with, you don’t want that stuff on your carpet. So you want to wear a little booties, you want him to vacuum up after he puts a hole in your wall to fix the pipes. You want him to be courteous, you want him to be friendly. You don’t want him to be somebody who is scary or can be intimidating, you know, maybe covered in tattoos. And I’ve got nothing against tattoos, just saying that, you know, there’s a lot of stuff associated with tattoos. And so you want him to look nice. You want him to be somebody that your wife and kids can be around that you’re not afraid of leaving them alone. You want him to be dressed in a uniform, and you want all of these small little things, right? Why? Because those are the things that really matter. Great, he can fix your pipes, he can use the most technical words and know all the best pipes and all the all the glue and all these things and all this stuff to fix everything. But if he’s not a personable person, if he doesn’t communicate well, if he’s not well dressed, if he’s not cleaned, if he doesn’t clean up after himself. Nobody cares about the job he did. All they think about is the mess he left when he left the house.

And that’s what’s underrated cleanliness, approachability, right, professional looks cleaness, the communication skills, right? Whether he’s a people person, it doesn’t mean he’s got to talk to them all the time or talk to you all the time. But you want someone who’s friendly, who’s nice. And so, oftentimes, the most important things in life are normally the most underrated and overlooked. Think about breathing. Like seriously, when was the last time you thought about your breathing? That’s a great example of this.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time. So catch you on the flip side peace

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