Ep. 167 – Motivation


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So today, guys, I actually want to talk about motivation.

And a lot of people have talked about this, and I just want to hit on this because I really think this is such a key factor in life is motivation. And then how do you actually have motivation? How do you actually be motivated to do the things that you don’t want to do, because Here’s the truth about life, life is made up of a ton of things that you don’t want to do, but have to do. And in my experience, there are two ways that I can go through life one, I can either go through life, joyfully and happily, and it’s everything seems to be way, way better, or I can be miserable while going through life. And I just don’t want to be miserable going through the life, I’m going to have to do things that I don’t want to do, I’m gonna have to do things that I do not like to do. And that is a key factor of life, right?

If you think about World War II, and you think about all the people who fought and died, I guarantee you not a single one of them wanted to really go and fight the people that really knew What they were doing. A lot of it really came from, wow, I have to do something that I really don’t want to do. And then I’m going to choose to do it to keep evil from conquering the world. Think about that. And most of our lives are not in that extreme place. But it really is that in our lives, we got to do a lot of things in our lives that we don’t want to do that keep the chaos from over running us or keep purposelessness from over running us. And that’s why I want to talk about motivation.

And so first motivation, I’m gonna talk about What it is motivation. First, What it is not, is an emotion. If you feel motivated, or excuse me, I’m recording motivation that you can’t see me. But if you feel motivated, and air quoting around that, that’s not true motivation, right? That’s an emotion, that’s a feeling and motivation is not an emotion, What motivation really is, is a decision. And it’s a decision to honor your word and honor your promises to yourself. It’s a decision to move forward every day, with a small wins with repeatability, to move towards your greater good to move towards your goals, and to really move towards your purpose. Okay? The whole point of motivation, the whole point to make decisions, and to be motivated a motivation without discipline isn’t motivation at all, okay?

Motivation is not a not an emotion motivation is really simply discipline. And the moment that you begin enacting in motivation in that way, you create consistency in your life. And the whole purpose of that is because life is made up of a culmination of small losses, or small wins all the time, there’s no such thing as Wow, just made this super huge win. It’s like, Nope, it’s literally putting one step I mean, one foot forward, and from the other, step by step by step two, you get up to the mountain. And each step you take is a small win, that culminates into a large win. And motivation is a decision to say, I’m going to do this. Because of this, I’m going to move forward in life and build a business, because I want to take care of my family better, I want my time back to be with my children, to be a better husband, to be a better father. And this is the decision I am making to do it. And then the actions and discipline to follow to show up every day to do that. That is motivation.

And it is very important to see that because once the moment that we get out of thinking that motivation is a feeling, the moment our lives actually start moving forward. See, when you get on a roller coaster of ups and downs and want to do it, you’re on fire one day, and then you’re not on fire the next. That’s actually really destructive, versus cool. You wake up an hour, do an hour towards whatever goal it is right? In motivation. That’s the proof of motivation being motivated life is you show up every day to work at and accomplish your purpose, and the tasks that you originally set out to. Now Here’s something else. Boredom is one of the number one killers of motivation. It’s boredom is one of the number one killers of the decision to show up and do What you need to do every day. It’s boredom that kills that. And Here’s why. It’s very easy to be excited about something new. And the moment that we get unexcited or fall out of love with it. Now it’s just pure discipline. But if you love discipline, and you love being disciplined boredom won’t hurt you as much in terms of killing your motivation.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time. I’ll catch y’all later peace

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