Ep. 103 – Naturally Gifted People Are Normally Lazy


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? What’s up? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome to Five Minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, I want to just stop real quick and just say thank you so much to everybody who’s listening, I hope this has really helped you and has impacted your life. My goal is to really just pay it forward first and to give to the next generation, or even the current generation if you’re starting your own thing. Or if you just want to be better, I just want to pay it forward. And to really give and I’ve had a lot of people pour into my life, and I wouldn’t be who I am without them. So anyways, I just want to say thank you for tuning in. I hope this is helpful. And if you’re new, welcome to the show, guys.

Well, anyways, I want to talk real quick. And I’m going to start with a story. But I want to talk about how naturally gifted people are normally lazy. And I’m going to start with a story. So back in high school, I had a music teacher. And he told me once and this resonates so true. It was right after I got done with my lesson. And he told me once that I would be better at piano than all of the other gifted students that he was currently teaching and that I would even go to compete with later in college, because I had to work for What I had. And I was not naturally gifted for it. And I didn’t understand the depth of What he told me. And I didn’t understand really What that meant. Other than Okay, cool. I’m really going to be better than a lot of people. And What I’ve realized in my journey is that whatever you are gifted at, you’re actually lazy yet because you don’t have to work to be good at it, you can just do it and squeak by one of my best friends. He, I met him in high school, we went to college together he was in the music department to he was amazingly and is amazingly gifted musically. But I was better than him. Because he was so gifted, he could squeak by.

I met a lot of people like this, my younger brother played a lot of music, and he was phenomenal and naturally gifted. But I ended up being better, because I had to work for What I had. And so let me let me tell you this, if you don’t have to work for something, or if there’s not pain involved in something, we tend to devalue it, it has no value in our current lives value normally equals work to remove pain, right? Either you’ve worked to remove that pain, or somebody has created a product or service that you pay for, and they work to remove that pain from your life. Right? For instance, cars, we don’t have the pain of having to walk everywhere, or ride horses everywhere anymore. We all buy cars. So we don’t have to have the pain of it takes me two days to go 20 miles, we don’t have that pain anymore. And so value equals work to remove pain. And so when we are naturally gifted, we don’t really have to work to remove pain in our lives.

And this is why I think most people who start in poverty or who are born into poverty or who have moved from a less privileged place, they tend to become very successful at business, or they tend to become very successful at What they’re doing professionally. I mean, you’ll get Cristiano Ronaldo. You look at Messi, where they came from. Right? Well, actually, I don’t know that much about Messi, but I’m pretty sure I’m right on Cristiano Ronaldo, right, you look at that, look at Shark Tank, look at where those entrepreneurs came from. And you can see that they actually came from very, very hard places. They weren’t born privileged in most cases. And they became very successful. Why? Because they valued What they had as an opportunity, because they were going to have to work for their pain wasn’t just removed because they were born into a more wealthy family or because they were born into a better family. It wasn’t just removed that way. Right? It’s so interesting, because this is why even a lot of kids who are born into better family life or better family life, like a wealthy family lifestyle, they tend to do worse because they’ve never experienced the pain of not having anything.

And if you look at a lot of entrepreneurs, when a lot of entrepreneurs start things, if they’re born into middle class families or upper middle class, they normally go down a hill first hit bottom and then come back up. Why naturally gifted people are normally lazy or if you’re born with gifts, you end up being lazy because you don’t value the pain that you’re removing through work or that that has been removed by work. And so I’m saying this because I realized that my business partner and I part of our problem, we did have some natural gifts when we started a business in certain areas. And we didn’t do What we were supposed to do then. And the reason why is because we’re being lazy. The same thing my music teacher told me apply to personally to me and Just in a flipped way.

Well anyways guys, I’ll catch you later. I hope you have a great day peace

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