Ep. 140 – Observation


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Episode Transcript

what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Well, everybody today, I actually want to talk about observation. And I’ve talked about listening before, and how listening is a lost art. I’ll say that, again, listening is a lost art. Most people don’t actually hear what’s being said, they filter it. And then it goes through a filter. And they they don’t they, they take it through their belief set and through their perception versus going in looking at things from a different and outside perspective.

And I want to talk about another side of things I want to talk about observation, okay, and this is also really lost. First, there are several ways to learn something, there are three primary ways to learn something doing kinesthetic listening, auditory learning, observing visual learning, okay? kinesthetic learning, which is you do something you actually do it, it’s like you’re trying to just put the car together without following instructions, you’re just using your hands on it along the way, listening, which is auditorial, right, you actually have to use your auditory faculties to intake information, and then digest it. And then observing, which is where you’re looking with your eyes, you visually can see it. Most visual learning is just done through reading. Right, most people do not visually learn outside of reading.

And it is interesting, because a lot of people have difficulty listening. But there’s even a larger difficulty, I think, with observing. And I found this where most people don’t hear What said, and then most people don’t even see what’s been done and there such an advantage to being able to look and learn and watch. And I watched a documentary years and years ago, about a Japanese blacksmith, who had who had carried on the tradition in the art of making a Katana and doing sword creation. In one of his prerequisites was I don’t teach, I don’t say anything, I don’t instruct, my disciples who are going to inherit my skill set must learn by looking and watching and seeing and if they do not look by watching and seen, they’re not going to be my disciples and they will not inherit the skill set that I have, because they should look and understand why things are being done. And then be able to critically think and logically deduce What is happening. And that is so true.

If you look and can see how a business makes money or how people interact with each other, how relationships go from positive to negative, how relationships go from negative to positive, and watch the steps and really look at things and observe them and take the information and then understand what’s going on your life is radically going to change because now you’ve added a whole nother skill set. Most people learn by doing. They don’t learn by listening as much as they don’t learn by observing. They learn by doing and statistically through testing. kinesthetic learning, the doing side is the highest learning language, the highest learning, I think observing is actually actually statistically lower, you can check me out. But the point that I’m trying to make is you can watch and learn, you don’t need to wait to be told. And if in this goes along toward you look at other people, and you can actually learn from their mistakes. So you don’t have to wait to make the same mistake. You don’t have to do it the kinesthetic learning, oh I went through that mistake. So now I know not to do it. You don’t have to wait for that stage, you can actually look at What they’re doing. And then you can go, I don’t want to do that. And then you don’t.

And that is a great place to be if you’re able to do that. That’s amazing. And then you can take it one step further. Wow, that person did that. How do I do that? Wow, that person, I watched What they did, and it was successful. I want to repeat that and you don’t have to be told. And you don’t have to go through it to understand that it was successful. You can look and observe and then logically to do’s The thing about observing though it really requires a lot of levels of critical thinking and logic. It really does it requires both of those things. And critical thinking in logic are very hard to come by. It is it is not it’s interesting because logical seems to just be simple and seems to make sense along the way. And it’s not always like that. It’s It’s interesting how things really get lost when it comes to the critical thinking side in the logic. And so you you if you don’t know anything about critical thinking logic, I encourage you to read some books and get educated on it because it will help change your life and how you view the world and then also how you interact with the world.

Well anyways guys, I’m gonna times I’ll catch you later peace

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