Episode Transcript
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So real quick, everybody, if you know somebody that would benefit from listening to this, or that would just benefit from listening to the show. Would you partner with me and actually share it with them? Or if not, would you leave me a review or rate the show, I would greatly appreciate it. And it’s awesome that y’all are helping get the word out.
Anyways, guys, today, I want to talk about out of order. So Here’s something I talk a lot about, personally, with friends, and also within the company. You can never get to the top of the stairs unless you actually take the first step. And Here’s where we get trapped a lot as people, we often want to be at the top. And because we’re at the top, we are unwilling to take the first step, or we’re afraid to take the first step, or we think it’s impossible to get to the top. So we never take the first step. Well, if you don’t take the first step, you can never take the last step, nor any of the steps in between. And as a result, when we are trying to do things, if we are out of order, it actually doesn’t work. So Here’s another example, right, you have a vending machine right in front of you. And there’s a sign on the vending machine that says out of order. And then there’s a second vending machine just to the left of that. And there’s no sign and it works perfectly. The differences between the two machines are this, the one that is out of order has broken parts in certain steps of the process. So it can never deliver your food or drink to you. It doesn’t matter if you put the coin in or the card or whatever, there’s one step missing in between you putting and paying money, and receiving the item that you’re trying to purchase. And that is why that vending machine is out of order.
Think about that one step breaks everything down towards unusable. However, on the other hand, the vending machine that does work is completely in order. And all of its steps function in the right order from step 1,2,3,4,5 to delivering your food or drink. And that is really how life works. And so Here’s something, Here’s something that I’m going to say too, I’m going to add this and now that that analogy is over, oftentimes we don’t know What steps we should take, because our thought process is actually out of order. Most people start in how do I do the thing? And really, we need to start with vision, What is the vision or purpose behind me doing the thing? And then we need to plan out? How will I do that thing, and then we actually need to do it. And my partner, Andrew and I talk about this a lot. We have a bunch of nuts and bolts and screws in front of us. And we’re like, awesome, we’re gonna make an airplane. And then when we step back, and then we actually look at the directions, and we actually look at the materials are like, Oh, we’re actually building a kitchen table.
And oftentimes, because we’re out of order, What needs to be built, never gets built. And so when we don’t start vision or purpose, that doesn’t happen when we don’t start with a plan after the vision and purpose, it doesn’t happen. And then we’re left wondering, why doesn’t this work? And we’re frustrated. And that is actually What happens a lot in life. We fail and we’re frustrated, because we’re like, Man, I don’t understand how I got here. Why isn’t this working? It’s like, oh, because I don’t understand the vision. I don’t understand the plan. And then if I don’t understand either of those two things, how am I actually going to ever be able to do it? How am I going to get to the top of the stairs if I’m unwilling to take the first?
So Here’s some signs that that are there and evidence that you’re skipping things and you are out of order. I’m in debt, cool. You’re out of order. Why are you out of order? If you’re in debt, and you have debt and as a personal household and things like that? Cool. Where’s your purpose for What you’re doing? What is the purpose for your money? Oftentimes, that just comes out from just doing willy nilly doing whatever in a man who does whatever becomes whatever. Next, my business is failing. Okay, why is it failing? Oh, my customer acquisition is failing. Okay. Why is your customer acquisition failing? Oh, my offering is bad. Oh, okay. Those things and you go down that list. The next thing and I’ve heard this too personally, like, man, What happened to my kids? Why they turn up this way? And it’s because we just started doing things we started raising kids versus What is the reason we’re having children? And What is the purpose as parents? What is my purpose as a parent in their life? And then What is the plan to actually go and execute. Right?
Technically, in the business We’ve heard this a lot. Right? We’ve heard we need more leads. Let’s go get Salesforce. Great. That doesn’t fix the issue versus our company goal is to grow by 10% this year, What is our biggest constraint blocking growth? Purpose is right there and then a plan can come from it real quick, I’m out of time, but I’ve also done a lot of the wrong work because I left out purpose. And most of the time if you’re not doing the right work, it’s because you don’t have purpose or a plan.
Anyways guys, I’ll catch y’all later. Peace.