Ep. 77 – Principles Are The Framework For Decision Making


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Welcome back, everybody. All right, guys. Well, real quick just to jump into this, I want to talk about principles. But I want to talk about them how they are your framework for decision making. And so just kind of repeat that principles are your framework for decision making. And I’ve seen this a lot working with a lot of people talk to a lot of people that when you’re not founded on principles, when you don’t have principles that really come from your values, it creates such a painful experience to make decisions and any time in your life, you’re unsure of how to make decisions, you’re afraid of making decisions, you’re worried about making decisions, oftentimes, it comes from a lack of principles in the area in your life. And so in this, I mean, this goes for business, this goes for personal life, this goes for I mean, just going down to the phone store, to get a cheaper plan, and then you’re offered a new phone, and then now you have trouble saying no to it, and you’re not sure What to do. And in that whole process of decision making really comes back to not being founded on principles, okay.

And I’m saying this, because going back to laws, we’ve talked about this before, laws are different than principles or rules are different than principles. But principles are also different than values, right? So you’re like, hey, I value human life. And if I value human life, the principle that comes from that is respect. Because I want to respect others. Honesty, I want to be an honest man or an honest woman, just so other people can trust me, but for myself as well, and things of that nature. And so going back to the decision making framework, if you don’t have principles, you don’t know whether you should say yes or no, maybe any of those things to any given situation at any point in time. So for instance, my wife and I talked about this, she’s like, Man, I bought these groceries at the grocery store. And I did this and listen, my wife is amazing. But we’d have conversations about this and be like, Hey, why did you buy that? And why did you buy those things while they were on sale? It was a good deal. Awesome. The good deal was dictating her decision making versus the principal. And listen, this is forever ago. I’ve got a Harvard degree in stupidity. And that includes also how to be a spouse, and how to be a husband and a leader in that way. And so as a result, going back to that my wife and I really talked about, Hey, these are the principles we want to have. We want to save for the future. We want to save for our children, the principle of not having debt, the principle of living small, and then all that applies to these in now. It’s something we talked about where we’re like, Oh, I saw deals. And I said no, which was hysterical and is hysterical.

But that decision making process comes back to the principles whether you should say yes or no, just because something is on sale or not. And see a lot of the marketing companies, they know that the deal is very persuasive. And if you don’t have a principle that you’re founded on to be able to say, No, you will cave to that. That’s the same thing. With you know, getting bullied in school, or even being peer pressured into things as young children to do stuff. They’re not founded. And their self esteem is lower. And so they’re more easily pressured into things, they have a harder time saying no. And that comes from a lack of principles. I was just talking to a really good friend of mine. She’s an awesome mom. And we’re just talking to but we’re talking about how her sons really need to be raised as men and What that means, and then her daughters needs to be raised as women and What that means and going through all of that, the principles behind that. Because whenever if you got kids, by the way, you’re not raising kids, you’re raising adults. And What that means is you need to actually help establish your children for the future as a grown adult. And a lot of this comes back to principles teaching them principles, respect, honesty, trustworthiness, faithfulness, discipline, discipline is such a principle. It is not just a frame of mind or decision that is made to produce something. It’s a principle.

And so you can see though, if you look back in your life, you can see that man that that was a moment, I did not have a principal to help guide this area for me to fall back on to make that decision. And this is really key. If you look at principals more than just, everybody confuses principals oftentimes with morals and values, principles come from your values, they come from your morals, they come from a lot of your core beliefs. And the principles are really the framework for making the decisions that you have to make in life. Whether it’s in school, whether it’s in college, whether it’s in you know, marriage or dating. Your principles are your framework for decision making. And I just really want to hammer that point home to help make it clear and help give you guys a clear understanding that If you write principles for a company, and if you write principles for yourself, it will help you make better decisions as people as humans and as leaders.

Anyways guys, I’ll catch y’all later. Mixing up everything. Y’all have a great day peace

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