Ep. 426 – What Is Not Going To Change In The Next 10 Years?

Building businesses based on unchanging needs.
Ep. 425 – The No List

Creating a ‘yes-no list’ will help you stay focused on essential tasks and move forward faster.
Ep. 424 – Start Out How You Want It To Be

Building a team for entrepreneurial success and avoiding the common mistake of starting a business as a one-person operation.
Ep. 423 – Mentorship In The Journey

The importance of finding a mentor who will teach you how to fish, rather than just giving you a fish.
Ep. 422 – Let Go To Grow, Root Bound

Release the fear of success in order to overcome personal and professional growth limitations.
Ep. 421 – Emotions Follow Your Decisions

Making decisions without emotional backing.
Ep. 420 – The Ask

The importance of asking and the potential for growth that comes from doing so.
Ep. 419 – When Should I Quit?

Quitting is the result of a lack of clarity and a lack of willingness to put in the work required to achieve success.
Ep. 418 – How To Capture Creativity: My Process

The importance of capturing creative thoughts before they fade away.
Ep. 417 – More Trust = Higher Expectations

Michael discusses the higher expectations that come with being trusted and the potential consequences of breaking that trust.
Ep. 416 – Learning How To Lose

Failure is an inevitable part of life, but it can provide opportunities for growth if we can pick ourselves back up and learn from the experience.
Ep. 415 – What’s The Point?!

We are responsible for finding the purpose behind our work.