Ep. 342 – When You Don’t Want To Do It, How Do You Do It?

Building momentum by breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
Ep. 341 – Shipping Does Not Mean…

Shipping doesn’t mean haphazard delivery, there should be thoughtful planning behind delivery.
Ep. 340 – Celebrating Creativity

Leaders should encourage and celebrate creativity in their teams to foster personal and company growth.
Ep. 339 – Navigating The Timeline: Microwave Dinner vs. Slow-Smoked Brisket

There is no magic switch moment for instant success, success takes patience and gradual progression.
Ep. 338 – Self-Reflection Practices: How to Assess Your Own Journey

Ask yourself what’s the reason behind your actions to learn and grow as a person.
Ep. 337 – Cultivating Gratitude: Focusing On What You Have vs. What You Don’t

Focus on what you have and use it to your advantage.
Ep. 336 – Breaking Free from Comparison: Becoming You

Focusing on being the best version of oneself rather than competing with others.
Ep. 335 – Team Work: Honest and Humility

In order to have a great team, you have to be honest, and you have to build a culture of honesty.
Ep. 334 – Focus On The People

If you want to be successful in business, begin focusing on and valuing people.
Ep. 333 – Self Worth Shouldn’t Equal Pricing

How to avoid undervaluing your work and sabotaging yourself in business.
Ep. 332 – Discipline Comes From Bigger Than Yourself

The importance of having a long-term goal bigger than yourself to strive for.
Ep. 331 – Perseverance

Accept that failure will occur, learn from it to improve and succeed in the future.