Ep. 162 – Doing Without Reflection and Learning is Insanity

The importance of self-reflection and learning from others’ experiences to move forward in life and business.
EP. 161 – The Importance of Making A Decision with CJ Anderson

Michael and CJ Anderson discuss entrepreneurship and making decisions for your business based on what you want.
Ep. 160 – Decisions Are About What Not To Do

The importance of exploration and risk-taking in decision-making.
Ep. 159 – Want vs. Need

Distinguishing between wants and needs in decision making can lead to better outcomes in life and business.
Ep. 158 – Judging A Problem By Its Cover

Michael’s outlook on problem-solving and seeing problems as opportunities for growth and change.
Ep. 157 – Overcoming Emotional Resistance

Overcoming emotional resistance to doing what needs to be done in life and business.
Ep. 156 – Who Am I Accountable To?

Prevent recurring problems by having self-accountability and believing in yourself.
Ep. 155 – Don’t Let Them Take Your Pack

The importance of bearing one’s own burdens in life and business.
Ep. 154 – The Lie About Old Dogs Learning New Tricks

Michael challenges the saying “old dogs can’t learn new tricks”. Anyone can learn anything they want if their heart is in the right place.
Ep. 153 – Love to be wrong

Embracing failure as a learning opportunity can help you grow and make better decisions for yourself.
Ep. 152 – Growth Learning

Michael emphasizes the importance of maturity and growth in life and business.
Ep. 151 – Celebrate The Wins, Celebrate The Failure

The importance of embracing both success and failure in all aspects of life.