Ep. 111 – Realms of Work


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome back to five minute rants. Welcome back to the show, predicated on the journey of life and business, welcome back to THE a.m, which is the whole hub that holds all this stuff. And so, and I guess that’s something to maybe talk about, just so you all know, THE a.m, is What is essentially the hub for all the show for everything. And eventually, you know, we’ll probably add more content in different ways more things to give back value to THE a.m right now is just five minute rants, you get to listen to me a whole bunch. But the whole point is to really kind of build a hub and a place for entrepreneurs a place for people who just want to better and improve their lives, to come and learn. And to really just give back. And that’s the heart behind all this. So anyways, guys, welcome to the show, if you’re new and tuning in, and for everybody else who has been listening, I really appreciate your support. And I hope that this is helping you somewhere somehow along the way and along the journey.

Well, everybody to get into it, I actually want to talk about realms of work today. And before I talk about the actual realms, I want to talk about why this is important. It is important because life and society has changed radically over the past 100 years, okay. And now, we have different realms where work live, we have different realms where work lives. And to give an example of this, it used to be that all labor in all work was performed with your hands, okay? It was performed with your hands. And it was performed with working with shovels, plows, crude instruments, tools, working the land, all physical work was done and complete. All work was physical, and it was done and completed in a physical manner. And I call this the tangible route. So the tangible realm is all work that you can actually touch and see. And the reason again, before I even get into this, before I get into the four realms, the reason again, why I’m talking about this is because if you cannot see your work, if you cannot visualize it, you cannot actually accomplish the work that needs to be done. And this is huge for digital companies and companies that operate digitally, or operate in a digital type realm. And so I’m gonna go through all four real quick.

So the first is tangible realm, the tangible realm is all work that you can touch and see, right? So you’re digging a hole with a shovel, you can touch and see and smell that realm. The second work is analog, and you get the analog as paper, okay? It’s the analog realm. It’s paper. It’s the old school analog for sound it’s the old school like tube amps, all those sorts of things. And it’s a step removed away from us, okay. And then after that, you have the digital realm, that’s where everything lives inside the computer. It’s all digital, you can’t touch it, you can’t taste it, you can’t smell it, nothing. You can only see it. And then you have virtual realm, right? And that’s virtual reality. Like think about Web 3.0. Coming up, think about all the metaverse think about how everything’s changing, that’s radically going to change everything again. So work and where work is located and how to see work is about to change radically. Again.

Now I’m saying this because it is easiest to do work in the tangible realm, okay. And so if you think about it this way, each of these realms is where work lives. So tangible realm was like living on Earth, it’s living on ground living on the land, it’s easy. You can farm you can hunt, you can fish, you can build on it, right analog is living on the ocean, you can do it, you can live in a boat, okay? You can live in a boat, you can build a bigger boat, you can make a boat sustainable to live on, but it’s harder to do so it’s harder to actually do work on the ocean on the sea, the digital realm, you could think about as in the sky, like airplanes, it’s harder to do work up there, right, but travels faster. So a lot of times efficiency is the trade off for all the work in the digital realm. Then you have virtual reality, which is like space, right? It’s immense. It’s massive, the virtual realm and space is the hardest place to live. Which means like the work is the hardest to see. And it’s the hardest to perform. A lot of times, however, the trade off is immense.

And I’m saying this because you got to see where your work is. So for instance, within our company in our businesses, we have tangible work. We have analog work, and we have digital work. And when we build things, we use this language to talk about cool, What are we building? Where’s it located? And then how do we visualize it because digital work has to be visualized differently than tangible work. It’s easy to go and walk into my room and see all my clothes laying on the floor. If it’s a mess, and then I can physically touch them and pick them up. Versus I have no idea if my folder or computer is messy. I can’t see it as easy which is the digital realm.

Anyways guys, just some food for thought for when you’re building and I’ll catch y’all later peace

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