Ep. 173 – Replacing Humility With Experience


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey, real quick, if you know somebody that would benefit from listening to this, or if it would help or change their lives and impact them in some positive way, would you share this with them? And if not, would you just actually leave a review for the show? And I would really appreciate it guys. And I would really appreciate the help in spreading the word.

Well, today, everybody, I want to talk about something that I’ve thought a lot about recently in by a lot. I mean, and by recently, I mean, within this past week, just moving through things. I’ve often thought that as people, we replace humility with experience and reasons. And Here’s What I mean by that. Oftentimes, we know the right answer, because we’ve been through this before, and we know What to do. And we’re actually doing the right thing. But it’s not from a position of humility. And it’s not from a position of lowering myself to learn and understand, not just make the right decision. See when we just want to be right when we want to make the right decisions and do the right thing. And I’m air quoting a ton. And I know y’all can’t see me. But when we want to do that, it actually ends up hurting us because we don’t end up moving forward and learning from What we’re actually doing, and why we’re actually doing it.

And I think that when when we start replacing humility with experience, which is Oh, I know the answer to this problem, it really puts us in dangerous waters. In that situation, it, it really sets us up to fail in the long term. Because every situation is different. And even though circumstances may be similar, there’s always something new to learn. And just because things look familiar doesn’t actually always mean they’re new, there’s a big difference between familiar and new. And so sometimes when we come across the same problems, or the same situations, we actually try and fix the problem. And we actually miss the heart, behind What created the problem, and the root of the problem.

And I’ll give you an example of this. So oftentimes, in my experience, and I have nothing against consultants, but oftentimes in my experience, consultants simply take What they learned in one place, and they copy and paste it into another area. And it tends to work. But the problem is, copy and paste isn’t really uniquely built for that situation the way it needs to be. And as a result, oftentimes more problems are created than not. And we have on our side of things in business, we’ve actually come back behind to build and to actually replace the copy and paste solution because it really didn’t work. And it bandaid the problem. And What I’m trying to say is when we replace humility with experience or reasoning, it’s really like putting band aids over a wound when you really need surgery. And it really tends to be like that. And I you know What, I’ll probably do an episode about assuming too, because this goes into that. And assumptions go into that. And it that affects relationships, that affects just really everything we’re doing.

And it’s interesting, because it’s very easy to, to go into a new deal or to go into a new partnership, and you expect everything to be the same as previous ones that you’ve had experience with, versus having the humility to listen, to understand cool, I’m just gonna give an example cool, hey, you have a client comes up to you, it’s like cool, I need a I need a cup of coffee. And just because the guy before him or the girl before him bought a cup of coffee doesn’t mean that this is the same person. Now think about that. He wants a cup of coffee, just like the same person is exact same cup, I just want a black cup of your medium roast coffee. And that’s What I want for the day just drip the person before him about the same thing. They are two highly unique individuals living their own lives, and living unique lives that may or may not be worlds or universes apart from each other. But because of my experience, I won’t seem to look at that I’ll only look at the outcome of the transaction that is occurring in front of me. And I’ll miss the individual. And that actually happens a lot in business. It happens on personal relationships and on personal levels. But this happens a lot on business because like oh you want a website. You’re just like everybody else who want a website. No. They might have unique goals, unique needs and unique issues that they need solving and that need to be built for. But when we don’t have the humility to actually listen and we replace it with my previous experience well before you know it, I’m kind of probably ruining the relationship before it’s even started.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch y’all later. Peace

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