Ep. 110 – Right People, Right Place.


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? What’s up guys? Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life business. Well, everybody, let’s just jump right into it. I want to talk about teams, I want to talk about teamwork, I want to talk about celebrating people, and actually how to find and understand where to place people within a team and how to utilize them.

So the first part comes back to who people are and how they are made. Okay. And I think this is generally known, but it’s, it’s not What I call life to a lot of people like we know this fact. But just because we know a fact doesn’t actually mean it has actual meaning to us personally, or actual application in real life. So the fact that I’m about to state is, everybody is different in everybody’s unique. And What happens a lot is, I find that when we have teamwork, or when we build out teams within businesses, we actually oftentimes misplace people in wrong positions. And we under utilize them, we cause friction, and then we actually cause consequences in harmful ways within the team, and within the company. Because of that friction there, the teamwork suffers, the cohesiveness suffers the culture suffers, the work suffers, because all these factors are constantly being impacted negatively, right. And so everything begins to suffer, the production suffers, and so on and so forth. And it’s simply because we have misplaced somebody in where they belong.

So I’m saying this, because the way that we are made as people is the way that we should be operating and where we should be placed. Now there are times where we can’t always do What we’re made to do, and how we’re meant to do it. Like really understanding how I have been built more, and understanding why I do a lot of the things I can do and able to do and What feels natural. That’s really where my giftings line up. And anytime that I’m out of place with those, you can feel the friction in my life, I can feel it personally. And then the team can feel it. So for instance, every time like Andrew and I, we change lanes, or every time we’re switching lanes, you can feel the friction when we’re out of line with each other and the teamwork begins dropping. And so Andrew is a very technically oriented person. And when I come out of my lane of vision, and when I come out my lane of long term, when I come out of my lane of building and producing a lot, you can feel that friction between our teamwork. And as a result, it is not as productive, whatever we’re trying to accomplish in that moment, because I’m out of my lane. And I’m out of the way that I’m built. And it’s vice versa with Andrew, right.

And so another way to think about this is I’m trying to be something that I am not and if I’m placed in a position for something that I’m not, it’s going to cause friction and it’s going to fail long term, the same thing happens with teams, the same thing happens culturally with teams. And then you realize, and Here’s something that’s I’m trying to put leaders in the shoes of people right now. Or if you’re if you are a part of a team, and you’re part of the production process to think about this as well. When you place people into positions that they’re not fit for, it’s literally forcing a square peg through a circular hole, it does not fit. And it’s the same thing, there’s got to be a lot of work and friction, and you might be able to do it, you might be able to force it, but things are gonna break along the way. And when somebody is constantly in friction, over time that friction produces physical pain. So if you think about you’ve ever been running, you got a hotspot on the palm of your foot, if you continue to run for long amounts of time, you’re eventually going to wear blisters into your feet. And then after that the blisters will burst. And then you actually got cuts, and you’ve actually got wounds on your foot, which are painful.

I think it’s very simple and easy to help people find where they belong by taking the time to understand who they are. And skill sets are not people just because somebody learned a skill set doesn’t mean they’re actually built for that position. Because that’s one of the other assumptions that we make. We make the assumption that oh, yeah, they have the skill set. So they’re built this way, we actually have no discovery on who they are as an individual and personality tests are a great way to start this journey. They are not the end all and be all of everything. But skill sets going back to that, do not tell you who that person is and how they are made. It just tells you What they know knowledge wise and how to practically apply it.

So just things to think about long term, and I will catch you guys later peace

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