Ep. 134 – Showing up


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So today, I wanted to talk about driving towards mission accomplishment. Okay, then I think, I think this is really important.

So, in my experience, the fun part about work. And the fun part about the job, the exciting part is the dreaming and the planning. And I think there’s actual science behind when you talk about your dreams and your aspirations. Or when you sit and strategize and talking about how great things are, you actually get a dopamine hit. And so it’s so funny, because you can actually be addicted to dreaming, essentially, is What I’m saying, and addicted to the dopamine from the dreams and from dreaming. So anyways, the fun part about work is that I’m going to sit down, we’re going to craft the plan, this is how things are going to be. And this is amazing. And then this is also where you find that most people soon quit afterwards, because you have your plan, you’ve gone through all your strategy, and you’re like, This is how we’re going to accomplish it. And now it’s going to get boring, because you actually have to do the work. And you actually have to do the same amount of work every day, the same type of work every day over and over and over monotonously.

And this is where most people quit. Because they actually talk about the mountaintop, they talk about the view, they buy the gear, and they’re so excited. And we got the plane tickets, it’s this, it’s that and all these things. And all of a sudden, when we’re actually walking up the mountain, that’s when people quit. That’s when they don’t want to continue on. And I talked about you need to love doing What you don’t want to do. And this is where that really comes into application. Because you really got to love doing the things you don’t want to do every day, you really got to learn to love doing the same things over and over and over and over and over again. And so this really where discipline matters, because you’re not going to feel like showing up and doing the same thing, you’re going to feel like oh, I don’t need to do that. I don’t need to work on that. But I think that’s where stuff breaks. And then that’s actually why you seem to spin or why we seem to spin in business a lot. And we don’t get anywhere, because we’re not doing What we should be doing. And we’re not doing the work that we should be doing.

And it’s interesting, because how you treat your personal life, it’s how you treat business. And if you don’t love yourself and take care of yourself, and you’re not willing to do the hard things for yourself personally, you’re not going to do those things for your life and business, you’re actually not going to do them for your family, either. If you’re married, or if you have loved ones, you’re not going to do it for them either. Because you always treat people like you treat yourself. And you always treat your business or your company like you treat yourself. And so having that taking care of yourself being disciplined learning to love yourself learning to love who you are, including all your faults, and all of your gifts, learning to do that is so important.

The other thing that really matters at this stage in the journey is is really learning to not need validation from other people. It is lonely to be a part of this journey is lonely, to be have any sort of this journey in your life. For instance, if you are overweight and you want to lose weight, it is going to be lonely because you’re the only person there who’s going to make the decision to get out of bed in the morning, and to go hit the gym. And you’re the only person in your life who’s going to make the decision of whether you shove that doughnut into your face or not and eat it. And that’s lonely. And oftentimes we find ourselves wanting validation from others, or we want people to come along on the journey so we don’t feel less lonely, and we become codependent on them. And that’s really where it breaks as well needing that validation from others. And to really see like, man, I’ve got to choose to really own that I’m the only one who’s going to do this. I’m the only one who’s going to do and complete my responsibilities in life. I’m the only one who’s going to show up to play my part. Because this is the part that was given me to play in life. There’s a part that’s been given to me. And I need to show up and I need to do the things that I need to do. And I’m willing to do them over and over again.

And this is why working out is important because if you’re willing to get up and like purposely put yourself through pain, and through mental hardship, willingly do that not be forced to it’s going to help you so much. It’s going to help do that. And so many other areas in life where you need to willingly show up and put yourself through hardship to do the things you need to do. And I’m calling this aggressively drive towards mission accomplishment because aggression oftens looks like patience and the willingness to endure and outlast the other side.

Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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